STEEMCHURCH: The Family: The Dream of God

The dream of God is a FAMILY united in love, forever

The dream of God when he created man and woman in his image and likeness and gave them the ability to reproduce in the same species, is absolutely clear: HE wanted to have a family, a great family around the world.

Likewise, a family begins through the marriage of a man and a woman, and begins with a dream: the dream of loving and being loved, of living a life together, working, having children, enjoying all the good things in life, face the circumstances of life together and finish oldies loving and happy.

This is the dream of God and it is also the dream of the couples at the beginning of the relationship. But unfortunately through life, this dream faces many obstacles and many are discouraged, do not know how to overcome obstacles, and lose sleep. They give up at some point in the life of marriage. And the main reason why they give up and abandon the dream that one day united them, is because they do not know how to handle conflicts, do not seek adequate help in time and despair.

Gen 1: 27-28: And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; exercise authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the heavens and all the beasts that move on the earth

As it is a dream first of God, He established the rules on which it should work. And those who follow the instructions of God, achieve a healthy marriage and a stable and happy family. It is rebellious to try to handle marriage in the manner of each one. God has already written what works and how it works. He designed us and HE knows perfectly how we function. Therefore, if we want our marriages to work, we have to do it God's way!

Like any dream, so that it becomes a reality, it must have a Vision, a Mission. The Vision is provided by God as designer and creator of the human race. The mission is developed by each couple, following the vision of God and with an important quota of Work, Effort, Training and a wise and correct attitude.

Every dream passes tests. And we have to understand that this is normal. And we have to understand above all that in the times of trials is when we should more unite the spouses, praying together, attending the Church regularly, seeking the right help at the right time.

Never let anything or anyone steal your most precious dream: have a healthy family. Do not let pride and selfishness rob you of the dream of enjoying a stable family. Never let anger and resentment destroy your most precious dream. Do not let the past destroy this family dream!

If you have lost the strength to fight for your marriage, today we urge you to never give up. Never give up God's dream and your dream of having a healthy family. If you have wavered, rise today with new strength, cry out to the Lord for strength and wisdom and work hard for the healing and total restoration of your marriage and your family. Then ask your spouse for forgiveness for considering the option of breaking as a normal option. Pray together and make the decision to fight for your marriage with the strength and tools of the Lord. And pray that this dream of God will impact your lives.

Can a mother forget her infant child, and stop loving the child she has given birth to? Even if she forgot it, I will not forget you! Recorded I carry you in the palms of my hands; I always have your walls in your walls. Isaiah 49: 15-16