God closes the mouth of the lions.


King Darius appointed one hundred and twenty people to help him govern, these hundred and twenty were guarded by three superior chiefs among whom was Daniel. So good was the performance of Daniel that the king appointed him the boss of all and even came to think of making him head of the whole kingdom.

The Bible says: "The others just expected Daniel to do something wrong, or to make some mistake, to accuse him with the king. But they could not accuse him of anything, because Daniel always did his job well "Daniel 6: 4

And it is that from the old time there are people with envy and jealousy of what God does in the life of those who sincerely seek it.

How many people may be waiting for you to do something wrong to accuse you?
Maybe many eyes are placed on you, but if your heart belongs to the Lord and you seek by all means to please him always, they will never have to accuse you.

The main leaders did not find a way to accuse Daniel for his work, since his work was perfect, the Bible says:

"That's why they agreed and said:" Since we have nothing to accuse Daniel, we will make him fall only with something that has to do with their religion »" Daniel 6: 5

It is sad that there are people willing to plot your fall in any way possible, and that no one said that you would like them all, there will always be "main leaders" willing to plot your fall as a result of the envy and jealousy they have towards what God is doing in you.

The proposal of these chief leaders to their king was as follows: "All the chiefs and rulers want to suggest to His Majesty that he enforce a new law. According to that law, for a month nobody will be able to worship any god or person, but only His Majesty. That law will be applied throughout the kingdom, and whoever disobeys it will be thrown alive into the cave of the lions "Daniel 6: 7

The law was malicious, on the one hand advocated the ego of the king and on the other had the intention of attacking Daniel directly, because these people knew very well that Daniel was a man given to God and that by more law to be established, would continue looking for his God.
King Darius accepted, without imagining the background of this idea, because he appreciated Daniel very much.

When the law came into force, Daniel knew, but the Bible tells what was his reaction: "Daniel knew, but anyway he went home to pray to God. Daniel used to pray three times a day, so he entered his room, opened the window and, looking towards Jerusalem, he knelt down and began to pray "Daniel 6:10

Daniel's attitude teaches us that regardless of the circumstances that surround us, we must not forget our personal relationship with God, there is no law that can separate us from the continuous search of the Lord.

The main leaders saw Daniel praying, how could they see if Daniel was in his room? These gentlemen were spying Daniel in the most vile way, his purpose was to accuse him in any way. Maybe around you there are people like you, capable of doing anything without shame, only to find fault in you. People capable of anything just to look bad or worse to one, just to see you being devoured by lions.

These chief leaders quickly notified the king of what had happened and pressured him to comply with the law he had signed. The king had great esteem for Daniel and all night he did not sleep thinking how to save him. But the pressure of these people with bad intentions forced the king to comply with the king who was irrevocable, so he had no choice but to send Daniel to order him to be thrown into the cave of the lions, but before they threw him out I wish that his God could save him.

The Bible says: "They immediately threw Daniel into the cave of the lions. Then they covered the cave with a very large stone, and the king put his seal on the entrance. The chief leaders did the same so that no one would dare to get Daniel out of there "Daniel 6:17 Maybe at some point those people who only seek your misfortune will be able to throw you into a cave of hungry lions that only wait the slightest hint to devour you completely, but even in that cave full of hungry lions GOD DOES NOT FORGET ABOUT YOU.

It is easy to think of How is it possible that a man who only seeks to please God can end up in a cave of lions ?, How is it possible that such an integral man can be judged in that way because of envious and jealous people? of God over his life? Why does God allow it? Why does this happen to servants of God?
You can think everything you want, make your own judgment and make all the ideas you want of the event you may be experiencing, but there is something that is safe and this is that GOD IS FAIR, and despite having to face people who are They accuse without cause and they throw you into a cave full of lions, you do not have to forget who you serve, for whom you live and to whom you owe everything.

The next day King Darius went to the cave and asked: "When he was near the cave, he became very sad and shouted:" Daniel, you have always worshiped the God of life! Could your God save you from the lions? "Daniel 6:20 The answer was: "And Daniel replied:" I wish His Majesty live many years! My God sent his angel to close the mouths of the lions, so they would not hurt me. My God knew that I have done nothing wrong, and that I have not betrayed His Majesty either "Daniel 6: 21-22

Amazing! God had accompanied Daniel, even there in a cave full of hungry lions, GOD CLOSED THE MOUTH OF THE LIONS!
Even in caves of lions GOD WILL BE WITH YOU, go, walk, because there God will show who you really are for Him, do not be afraid of the result, because GOD WILL RAISE YOUR HEAD and demonstrate everything contrary to what you say.

As long as God shows up in your life, those who accuse you will have a different end: "Later, the king commanded that those who had accused Daniel be brought, and that they be thrown into the cave of the lions, along with their wives and their children. And then the lions grabbed them and broke their bones! They had already torn them apart before they touched the ground! "Daniel 6:24

God will do justice in your life, let them accuse you what they want to do, let them spy you all they want and if possible let them take you to that cave where they hope to devour you, because right there in that place where they believe that will be your end, it will be shown who is the one with you and He will close all the mouths that you have to close.

God closes the mouth of the lions that want to devour you!