God is not angry with you

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

The world we live in today is one that is plagued with unimaginable crimes, abominable acts, injustice, corruption and the likes. This atrocities however has affected humans and it has to some extent become an innate attribute of most humans.

People nowadays no longer think of others nor do they care about their next door neighbor, all because the world they live in has thought them and given them a wrong code of conduct. imagine a step-mum locking up her step daughter up for 3 days without food or water because she perceived that the girl is a witch because she acted in a manner the step mum found devilish. The step mum has no proof but yet she could still punish the poor little girl that much. i wonder what rock she has inside her chest that she calls a heart.


I have done some research and i have found out that humans see people the way we see ourselves. This means that we see the world and everything in it just the same way we see ourselves. A thief would see everyone as a thief or a potential thief. so also would a dishonest and ungrateful person, he would think everyone is like that. Likewise, a sinner would think it is impossible for someone to live a righteous life on earth because he (the sinner) has tried to do so but he could not, so since he has tried several times and failed, then he think anyone who says he/she does not sin is a liar and a hypocrite.


Also i have thought about while people run away from God even when God is reaching out to them. They unconsciously think we still live in the old testament where God instantly makes you pay for your sins. They think when they commit an offence, God would be furious with them, so they run away to come back when they feel God has calmed down. They walk with God like they do with their earthly fathers. It ought not to be so.

Firstly, we should know that God never loved us because we are so righteous and without sin, and if that be the case, then He would not unlove us because we faulted on the way and committed a sin against Him. His love is unconditional. Even in our worst state, He should His unfailing love towards us by coming to die for us. If this God could lay down His life for us, then i do not think He would turn His back on us each and every time we sin.


You may have been living a life you think is not worthy of God's appraisal, but what if i tell you that Jesus is that shepherd who would leave His 99 sheep in search of just 1 lost sheep. Just like the prodigal son, God would welcome you anytime and any day you call on Him because He loves you and He is never angry with you irrespective of what we might have done...

I trust you were blessed by this little piece. God bless you


Hi there !!!

We found your post valuable for the steemit/steemchurch community

Thanks for reminding us of the fact that God is not angry with us



thank you sir for always finding my post.
am most grateful

Amazing publication, am glad to has come cross it.

thank you sir. am glad it blessed you

There is a word we're going to follow all the way through the first book in the Bible. "So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems … and every winged bird …. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them …." (Genesis 1:21). Every time God blesses, it's a gift of grace. The word for bless or blessing is so crucial. It's used over 400 times just in the Old Testament alone. So in this message, I want to trace this notion of blessing through the Book of Genesis.download (10).jpeg

Yea, God is no longer angry with us anymore

Thanks for sharing and the reminder

Warm regards


"While we are yet sinners, Christ died for us"
He first loved us before we love Him,no matter how we thought about ourselves, is love towards us still stand.

People nowadays no longer think of others nor do they care about their next door neighbor, all because the world they live in has thought them and given them a wrong code of conduct.

We should learn to love others just the way we love our selves, we shouldn't do good things because we want others to see us doing it, we should do Good things for others because it's the right thing to do.

This is really amazing, sometimes people run away from God, thinking that he's really angry at them, just like Jonah ran away from away from the prescrence of God, but likebthe prodigal son, he's ready to accept us just like the prodigal son

yes God always accepts us when we run back to Him no matter how far we strayed away.
thank you so much

There' are various things that make God happy
Lord God really appreciates it when we believers go out and do good things for the different
people around us! There are tons of ways to do good works in our community, especially during the summer. A couple of ways to do good are volunteering at e-soccer and organizing a PB&J Sandwich-Making Night with your friends to feed some homeless people in your city’s downtown area.
Great idea right?


God will forgive our sins if you take the proper steps. Our Bible says that God is ever “ready to forgive” and that he “will forgive in a large way.” (Nehemiah 9:17; Psalm 86:5; Isaiah 55:7) When he forgives all of us, he does so totally. Our sins are “blotted out,” or erased. (Acts 3:19) God also forgives permanently, for he says: “I will no longer remember their sin.” (Jeremiah 31:34) Once he forgives, he does not ever rehash our sins in order to accuse us or to punish us again and again.


God endless love for us. He love us first before we decided to love him.
Before we were created into this world, he knew us. So therefore where shouldn't feel guilty, but instead aton for our sins as Quick and early as possible.
For his Grace is sufficient in our Lifes. Thats why I love him..

Thanks for this amazing post @udiomuno

God is angry only at the weak

God is slow to anger and he promised to forgive us no matter what we do as long as we show remorse. People run away from God because they think their sins are unforgivable. Always remember that God is Most Merciful

God is Not Angry with the World

When people believe that God is angry with the world, and is actively punishing us for the sins we have committed by sending us diseases, famines, earthquakes, storms, terror, and death, we malign the character of God. God does not torture, rape, kill, and murder in order to teach us to love and obey Him. While there is indeed blood on God’s hands, this blood is His own. God does not force us to bleed for Him so that we might learn some sort of lesson about obedience.

thanks for sharing with us all

God does not bring] about suffering in order to discipline a person. …This presumption morphs to cruel absurdity when we are speaking of horrors like a man mourning his murdered wife or a mother grieving over her stillborn child.

This way of thinking takes the cruel arbitrariness of life and deifies it by projecting it onto God. When this is done, the beautiful clarity of God’s loving will revealed in Christ and centered on the cross is obscured by a nonbiblical picture of a God of power. And Jesus’ simple words “If you see me, you see the Father” are qualified by every terror-stricken scream of torture throughout history

God's anger doesn't last forever. "For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life:" Psalms 30:5

Many persons feel they don't merit the love of God due to their sinful nature. They need to come to the understanding that God's love surpasses all.

Stunning production, am happy to has come cross it. Thanks for sharing

thank you so much sir. am grateful sir