Ezekiel 36:26 New International Version (NIV)
26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
This allegory that describes the way you transform us, beloved Father, makes me understand that you are shaking me, I perceive in this message a wake-up call from you.
I understand that I must renew myself every day as it is written in Romans 12: 2 [Source] (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=romans+12%3A2&version=NIV); So everything I do today will remind me of this biblical principle because renewing is replacing the old with the new.
All the habits that I have managed to change in my life at any given time, if I neglect, can reappear; That is why the word says that it is sensitive (a heart of flesh and not of stone).
The application of this principle has given me good results in my life, but I must be aware that there is no area of my life in which my heart has turned to stone.
Thank you Lord for your wonderful word.
Source Image
Les daré un nuevo corazón, y les infundiré un espíritu nuevo; les quitaré ese corazón de piedra que ahora tienen, y les pondré un corazón de carne.
Esta alegoria que describe la manera como tu nos transformas Padre amado, me da a entender que me estás sacudiendo, percibo en este mensaje una llamada de atención de tu parte.
Entiendo que debo renovarme cada día como esta escrito en Romanos 12:2 Source; de manera que todo lo que hoy haga me recordará este principio biblico porque renovarse es sustituir lo viejo por lo nuevo.
Todo los hábitos que he logrado cambiar en mi vida en un momento dado, si me descuido, pueden volver a aparecer; por eso dice la palabra que sea sensible (un corazon de carne y no de piedra).
La aplicación de esteprincipio me ha dado buenos frutos en mi vida, pero debo estar atento que no haya algún área de mi vida en la que mi corazón se haya vuelto de piedra.
Gracias Señor por tu maravillosa palabra.
My special thanks goes to all the parishioners.
to brother @maxdevalue gives me to participate, the support of the priest @uyobong and the curatorship of @sniffnscurry. Also supported by @steemchurch and subsidiaries. Grateful for this opportunity.
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Tomato heart, lol. Nice pic