in #steemchurch6 years ago

From his birth, Samson is one of the miracle of the Lord, born of a woman who could not conceive, was sterile but by the grace of God was granted the privilege of being a mother. An angel appeared to him and gave him the news and along with the news the instructions he had to follow for that baby he would carry in his womb and who he would take care of.


The instruction was clear: "Then the angel of Jehovah appeared to Manoah's wife and said, 'Even though you could not have children, you will soon be pregnant and give birth to a male child, be careful, you should not drink wine or any another alcoholic beverage or eat any of the forbidden food, she will become pregnant and will give birth to a son, who will never have to cut her hair, because she will be consecrated to God as a Nazarene from birth, she will begin to rescue Israel from the Philistines. "Judges 13: 3-5 (New International Version)

Samson grew in stature until he became a man whom God used to free his people who were in bondage. In this way it was as God began to fulfill the purpose for which He had brought Samson to earth.

In Samson's life there were many events, many episodes of which we must take as a pretense, especially I want to refer to the most well-known story, his romance with a Philistine woman named Delilah.

Sanson's main problem was love, it was not the first time he fell in love, he was a fickle person in relation to his feelings, and on several occasions he made the wrong decisions, the last of them: falling in love with Delilah. "After Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah, who lived in the valley of Sorec" Judges 16: 4 (Translation in current language).

Samson was endowed with a supernatural force, the word does not describe in himself that Samson was a very tall man or had very large muscles, he only describes him as a man with supernatural strength, which does not come from his height, or from his muscles , but of the presence of God in his life.

Samson knew it, he knew that he was not an ordinary man, he knew that he had come by means of a miracle from God, that he had been raised to be a liberator of his people, his long hair reminded him every day that he had a vote before him. God, a vow to be holy and separate, but which many times had not been fulfilled.

Today he falls in love with the enemy, a woman like Delilah who did not really love Samson in the least, a woman faithful to her people and who just wanted to get the answer of how to defeat Samson. "The Philistine leaders came to her and said:" Deceive Samson and discover the secret of his great strength. We need to know how to defeat it and tie it to keep it under our power. If you can find out, each one of us will give you more than a thousand pieces of silver. "Judges 16: 5 (translation in the current language).

Samson's naivety led him to visit Dalila frequently, that woman had a definite goal, she would somehow find the answer to how to overcome it. So he insisted on his question: "When Samson went to visit her, Delilah asked him:" What is the secret of your great strength? How can you be bound without being released? "Judges 16: 6 (translation in the current language).

On two occasions, Samson deceived Dalila by falsely communicating the answer she was looking for. Dalila reacted in the following way: "Delilah told Samson:" You've cheated on me again! Why do you insist on lying to me? Please tell me, what do I have to do to hug you? "Judges 16: 13a (Translation in the current language).

Sanson started to play with sin, maybe for him it was a simple game, I do not think the idea of ​​giving the right answer to that woman will go through his mind. He could love her a lot or be in love with her, but he did not dare to confess the secret of his strength, because his life depended on that, that's why he had cheated her twice.

The third occasion that Delilah asked him what was the secret of his strength, Sanson began to give real riddles, he said: "Samson answered him: -If you hold the seven braids of my hair and the interwoven between the threads of that loom, and then tie the loom to the ground with stakes, I will lose my strength and I will be like any other man "Judges 16: 13b (Translation in the current language).

Samson's answer went a little farther, and he said: "If you take the seven braids of my hair," although I had not yet delivered the correct answer, I was close to saying it.

What was happening to Samson is what often happens to us, we are not going to go directly to failure in what we believe controlled, no, there are times when we accede progressively to what is far from being a blessing for us, It can destroy us.

How many of us have progressively yielded to the pressure of the world or the pressure of sin? Without realizing it, we gradually discover our heart and our weak point from which the enemy will surely want to take advantage.

Sanson's third response, related to hair, did not work, so Delilah turned to Samson's weakest point, his emotions: "Then, Delilah exclaimed:" How can you say that you love me, if you keep deceiving me? It's already the third time you mock me and you still do not tell me what the secret of your great strength is! "Judges 16:15 (Translation in the current language).

Samson yielded to the pressure, his feelings that on many occasions had led him to have problems, he succumbed again to the woman he thought he loved. "Then, finally, Samson revealed his secret:" I never cut my hair, "he confessed," because I was consecrated to God as a Nazirite since my birth. If they shaved my head, I would lose strength and become as weak as any other man. "Judges 16:17 (New Living Translation)

This time dalila understood that Samson had been sincere, he could feel it, so he put together the whole plan, slept him while caressing him, called a barber, they removed his braids and all his hair and now it was the opportunity. to be able to demonstrate the strength of that man.

The Bible narrates the following: "Then she cried out:" Samson! The Philistines have come to capture you! "When he awoke, he thought, 'I will do as before and then I will be free,' but he did not realize that the Lord had abandoned him." Judges 16:20 (New Living Translation).

Samson thought: "I will do the same as before and then I will be free."

How many times have we lived that story? How many times have we come out of those problems we have received, out of pure mercy from God? How many times have we played with sin thinking that everything will be fine, like all the times we have done well?

While it is true, we have a great God in mercy and slow in anger, that does not mean that our moment of responsibility does not reach us, when one day it does not turn out as we thought it would happen.

If you are a person, lately you have been doing wrong things, and although you know you do not have to do it, you do it without having the minimum intention to stop doing it and believe that it will not hurt you because God has always been with you, then: be careful, you can be a prospect so that at your moment things do not go as usual.

I speak that you can not accept the fact that God has supported you all this time in spite of your sin or your lack of communion, if in spite of the disordered life that you have led, God has helped you and perhaps has supported you. in some things. , then: Glory to God! Because his mercy is still in your life, but what makes you think that all the time will be the same? What makes you think that sin will not lead you to defeat if you have nothing to leave? What makes you think that if you keep playing with God, you will not have time to pay the bill?

Samson forgot for a moment the purpose for which he was born, he let himself be guided by his deceitful feelings, maybe he believed that in a woman's love he would find everything he needed, but beyond all of that, there was a purpose for which God He had brought him to this world, and he had forgotten it, focusing on vain things.

His long hair was a reminder that he had to be faithful to God and serve him, however, he got used to carrying it forever and forgot the meaning he had. His strength did not depend on his body or how good it was, but on God himself. His strength was not especially hair, but a symbol of a covenant with God, however, to uncover his secret unconsciously he was also giving up his vow and the pact, in a few words dejotodo what that liberating man had done, for something that was never useful.

Think of how many opportunities we have been willing to give up all that God has given us for something that has no value? How many times have we left God to look for something that we believe will make us happy?

The Bible says: "Then the Philistines captured him and took his eyes out, he was taken to Gaza, where he was bound with bronze chains and forced to grind grain in the prison, but in a short time, the hair began to grow again. . "Judges 16: 21-22 (New Living Translation).

It is obvious that if you make bad decisions and discover that your heart sins, renouncing God's support, the result will be very bad. Samson, after being a feared warrior, a liberator, became a blind man who did the work of animals, which amused everyone in the palace, because they led him to mock him.

It is amazing how a person used by God can become a mockery for those who do not know God and that happens because sometimes we want to take advantage of God, lead a double life, want to appear in holiness, but live in pure sin, without having the minimum intention to avoid or seek God, we believe that we can do whatever we want with the gifts and abilities that God has given us, forgetting that He who gave it to Him is the only one that deserves to be used for Him.

I am sure there are many people who serve God and who are reading these lines today. I tell you in particular:

Maybe you have not been leading such a nice life to God, maybe you have been doing some things that you very well know you do not have to do. Maybe you even got to a point where you got used to doing what at first you were very difficult to do because you felt bad for failing in God, but now it has become something everyday in you. Do not take advantage of God! Maybe you have not seen things go wrong, but it is not because God agrees with the wrong you do, but because He has mercy on you, hoping that you will repent as soon as possible. possible from that mistake you are making. Do not play with sin, do not believe that you will always leave it, what would happen if things do not go as they always have? Would he be willing to lose God's protection and support for something that is not worth more than God?

Today I tell you directly: Repent genuinely before God, eliminate everything that has become a bond in your life, you have the ability to overcome God, above all you have your support from your side, do not think that you can not, on the contrary , let God take you by the hand and with him you will always conquer, today is the day to put an end to everything that has been stealing your authority and that slowly leads you to failure, God will not have the unjust for just, then it is necessary turn to Him

God's will is not that we suffer the bad consequences of our mistakes, but that we repent in time to avoid the things that are harder to bear. Today God wants each one of us to turn to Him, respect His presence and his service, recognize that if any talent or special gift we have is for him and only for him, none of us is what we are for the good that we leave be, but because God has considered it appropriate to do wonderful things in our life.

Do not end up blind, do not end up doing the work of animals or serving as fun for those who do not have God, on the contrary, we live every day with the sole intention of pleasing you, you will not get tired of trying, if we fail, we return and try again, but may God, seeing our hearts, see that we really love him for anything and that we long to please him in everything we do.

God is so precious that today he wants you to acknowledge your sins before Him, to repent, but above all to return to Him as the son who was at the beginning, do you know why?

Because it's still time


The life of Samson is an example of what the Christian should not do, so we must examine ourselves with the Word so as not to commit the mistakes that he committed and we are not bound and suffer losses that affect us individually or family.

When we keep in communion with God we always listen to his ordinances and put them into practice, people who walk in the spiritual know how to avoid these errors and pressures not to yield to sin, unfortunately the church of God is full of leaders who appear to be saints but his heart is far from God, the Spirit of God insists on error within us but we prefer to yield to the desires of the flesh than to please God. God is a God of mercy for this reason uses brokenness and pain to separate us from sin, and this is what comes to the children who disobey. God bless you.

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Weakness is not a good counselor, we should always seek counsel and the grace of God to act, since we know that we are weak by nature, knowing that we will achieve them not with our strength, but with God's. The day we take away our sight of God, of the mission and vision that HE has given us, comes discouragement, weakness and failure. It is good to maintain trust in God. Blessings .

Samson teaches us that it is not force that dominates but intelligence. Good message @Taty17

We must watch and carry our thoughts daily at the feet of the Lord, I do not know how we persist in Delianos.

excellent reflection, we must follow what God has guided us, we should not let go by feelings even knowing that it is wrong.

It is never late, as long as the happiness is good, if we are willing to change to fight to achieve something it is always a good time

It is still time. In the midst of Samson's blindness, God manifested his power to overthrow the Philistines, even in the blind condition of Samson. God answered his prayer. In the midst of the blindness of sin, God still gives us time to repent. Blessings