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RE: Should Christians Eat Un-Clean Foods???

in #steemchurch7 years ago

I hear your argument but you do understand that Christ was speaking of matters of the heart. He was not arguing the Laws of God he was arguing TRADITIONS OF MEN and 2nd they are not the Old Testament dietary laws they are The Laws of God. And I agree we do not have to sacrifice animals for sin because that is what Christ did on the cross He died for our sins because we transgressed the Law He took our penalty upon himself. But He didn't take the penalty upon himself so that we could then go and trangress the law without penalty. Rom3:31, 1John5:3 Also please understand that (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods "clean.") is not scripture and was add as commentary.
But I am not here to persuade anyone, if I wanted to I couldn't because that isn't my job it is for the Holy Spirit to do.
And each man should including myself take Philippians 2:12 very serious.