First let me say you are a truth seeker and that is refreshing to me as many will not let go of assumptions as you have and stand on the facts in the word. Now obviously I cant speak for the Father on why He chose this method but i think He chose this method because He knew how serious of an offense this would be to eat something unclean and as you can see Peter was against doing so. I think 5he Fathee knew Peter would battle it until he figured it out but he didnt have to wait long because the "unclean men" according to mans tradition at that time were on there way to find Peter. Now with the "unclean men" testimoney to Peter it was clear to him what his own vision meant. Keep reading and Peter tells to an assembly of Jews what his vision meant. But i give you props because most people assume that Jews not being able to assemble with gentles was law from God and now God is changing his own law which would make all of His laws now breakable but God is not a man that He should studder or sway back and forth with His words He says it today and it is forever True. Thank you so much for stopping by it was a real pleasure!
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