The Issue With The Devil

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

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The Issue With The Devil

When you see any great man of God that does great things for the Lord, you will observe that the man of God knows and understands who he/she is in the Lord. Joseph was able to interpret Pharaoh's dream because he knew and understood that he is a child of God and that God can interpret the dream through him (Genesis 4 vs 16).

Soldiers of Christ, I want to charge you to know who you are in the Lord. For the ignorance of our personality in Christ is what plagues the church today. It is this lack of understanding that makes the devil over ride us and makes a mess of our lives.

The battle we fight today is because of our ignorance of who we are in Christ. We still fight the battle which Christ Jesus our Lord won for us on the cross.

This is why children of God do prayer warfare with physical instruments like cutlasses, sticks, hammer and all other instruments as if it is a physical battle. This is a show of ignorance and I believe the devil laughs loudly at the ignorance exhibited by such Christians. They don't know who they are in Christ and so they keep battling with the enemy, praying "fall down and die" prayers. They spend more time in binding and loosing demons than in worshiping and thanking our father, the God from whom all mercies flow.

The Devil Lost The Battle To Jesus

Jesus Gained the ultimate victory and the devil lost his battle when our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ , rose up from the dead . The Bible tells us in the book of Colossians 2 vs 14 -15.

14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

The battle is won: we have complete victory in Jesus. We are triumphant children of the Most High God, not people who are struggling with the devil; the enemy has lost all his powers and has been disgraced openly.

The Anointing On Your Head

The anointing which you have received from Christ abides in you and this anointing is for praise and worship of God our father through Jesus His son. This anointing is not meant for binding and loosing the devil. A child of God that always binds and looses and casts out only proves that he does not know or understand his personality in Christ Jesus. Let me ask you this question, If God said in 1John 4 vs 4 that He that is in you is greater than that is in the world, what makes you think that your "fall and die" prayer will eliminate all the demons, witches and wizards troubling your life? If they fell and died, which one will you be greater than?

In Psalms 23 vs 5, the bible says; "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; though anointed my head with oil, my cup runneth over.

If God your father prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies and your prayer is for them to fall and die, which enemies will then be present to see the table that God prepares for you.

Brethen, know who you are in Christ and you will have no time for demns or the devil but will enjoy intimate love relationship with the father on a daily basis where all you see is God and His mighty works and the enemy is completely forgotten because he has no relevance in your scheme of things.

Forget About The Devil

Understand who you are and forget demons and the devil. Stop fighting for the battle is over. In Psalm 9 vs 1-2, David praises God with all his heart, thanking God for his marvelous works and who he is in God. from his words, we can see that he understood his personality in God and so he was glad and rehoiced, singing praises to the most high God. In vs 3, we see that David's worship attracted the presence of God and this presence filled him so much that the enemies turned back fell and perished.

You don't need to pray "fall and die" before your enemies will be destroyed; all you need do is know who you are in the Lord and give Him thanks. God knows how to delete your enemies. Children of God, know who you are in Christ and meditate on what you are, spend time in lifting the Lord High through your praise and worship. As you spend more and more time in thanksgiving your enemies will be deleted from you, and their works will be made of no effecct in your life. You don't need battle, all you need is thanksgiving.

Thanks For Reading




The devil has truly lost the battle..Jesus reigns

Quite true indeed. Once we understand the magnitude of power we wield in Christ, we should have no reason to fear the devil

I really like this part when you said "Understand who you are and forget demons and the devil. Stop fighting for the battle is over"

This is beautiful, the spirit of fear these days in Christians makes them forget they power they wield, they're strong and Jesus has won all battles on the cross, that's why as Christians we mustn't panic but declare the power of Christ in the face of evil.

This is nicely written OS

In touch by this part "You don't need to pray "fall and die" before your enemies will be destroyed; all you need do is know who you are in the Lord and give Him thanks"

Let adore our Father for He has already won the battle

You don't need to pray "fall and die" before your enemies will be destroyed; all you need do is know who you are in the Lord and give Him thanks.

Sadly, many believers are having IDENTITY CRISIS. They cannot live out a maximum life because they lack the understanding of their rights, privileges and God's promises credited to them. I pray the hearts of our understanding be opened to the blessings of this word as shared by @steemchurch

"The battle is won: we have complete victory in Jesus. We are triumphant children of the Most High God, not people who are struggling with the devil; the enemy has lost all his powers and has been disgraced openly". This portion says it all, we are already victors, just believe and live with it and this victory will be to manifest itself

truly the devil has lost the battle and just as Christ was victorious, we as children of God also are victorious over the devil. God has given us total dominion over the devil and all his cohorts.

God knows how to delete your enemies.

Most often we think we can fight the devil headon forgetting that the battle is the Lords, thanks for reminding us

Being ignorant of who we are in Christ is one of d greatest tragedy in life!!
I'm inspired by this write-up!!!

You are right the Bible says "The Lord will fight for us and we will hold our peace" but we often help God in the battle...may be we think His slow....We should learn to thank God for fighting both seen and unseen battle for us.

As children of God, understanding what makes you righteous is imperative. what happens, when you don't have the knowledge that you became righteous when you accepted Christ as you personal Lord and Saviour?
Romans 5:17

of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!
Lets magnify God, Jesus, the church and render the devil useless

Glory and honor to our God, this publication has been a blessing for me ... thank you beloved @steemchurch. Blessings.

The reason many Christians seem to be crawling in life owes to the fact that they haven't yet come to the knowledge of who they are and what they carry. The devil should be running away from us and not we believers being afraid of the devil. Witches and witchcrafts should be terrified when they see us and not the other way round.

My prayer is that each and every believer of Christ should come to the knowledge that the power embedded in them.