The truth about guardian angels

in #steemchurch7 years ago


Many at times, people believe that, each and every individual has a guardian angel assigned to him or her, and that they watch over them every moment.

We all know that angels are God's messengers, who he uses to pass messages to people or a person, also, God uses his angels in battles against evil. And going through the bible and understanding it, you find out that, they are are different types of angels with different purpose. We have the seraphim, cherubim, archangels and so on.

Currently in the world today, people think there's an angel going with them individually and been with them through anything they do, and also keeping them out of harms way.


If truly there's guardian angels assign to each and everyone of us, then most of the things that happens today, would in no way happen, all the pain, suffering, death and so on that happens in the world today, it would not have come to pass. In the bible, any task God gives an angel are always carried out to the letter, angels are not know to make mistakes at any point. You can't say you have a guardian angel and yet you go through pain everyday and most times, die.

we know in the bible that, God usually assign angel to a particular region to protect it. for example, archangels micheal, was assinged by God to watch over israel his people.

Daniel 12: 1

"At that time Michael, the archangel who stands guard over your nation, will arise. Then there will be a time of anguish greater than any since nations first came into existence. But at that time every one of your people whose name is written in the book will be rescued.


Also we need to realize that, what ever task that is assigned to an angel by God, never seem to fail. Then why would you have a guardian angel and yet, things never goes right for you?

While Jesus was going through his agony hour, he prayed for strength from God and God sent an angel who came to strengthen him, the angel was never known to be with jesus all through, until jesus prayed and God responded, so also is it today. when you pray for a particular request, God could use an angel as answers to your prayers, just like daniel in the bible.

Daniel was praying and just as daniel started his prayers, the good Lord sent angel Gabriel to Daniel with the answers to his prayers, where he encountered the prince of Persia, who held him for twenty one days, until angel Micheal came to his rescue.

Daniel 10: 12-13

12.Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13. But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because Ia was detained there with the king of Persia.

We get to realize from the story of Daniel that, angels have territory, which they are assigned to, but not individuals, but if you happen to pray to God for a particular request, he could use an angel to answer your prayers, just like he did for Daniel in the bible.

Finally, I'd like to state that, even if there's a guardian angel assigned to every individual on earth, they will never fail with the task assig es to them. God is the only one who watches you all the time and is always with you through every moment of your life. He is the great guardian that we all need. Angels are the holy Messengers of Christ and will never do anything different from what the father, has asked to do.

May the Good lors watch over us and guide our path so we don't fall into harms way.

Thank you for reading and God bless.

Images from pixabay


We are glad to find this awesome post of yours. Thanks for contributing to SteemChurch.

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Thanks for sharing. I agree with some points you raised. I believe God's angels protect his servants in our days, but I don't think humans have individual guardian angels.

I think angels are not specifically assigned to each individual, but I think protection angels exists just like in your trying times and you reach out to God he will sent his angel to guide you.
Angels really do have their fuctions and area of specialization, this is fully revealed in the book of Daniel.
Amazing message by you

Angels are glorious beings that protect God servants. Thanks @stainedsheets for such a post

Angels are glorious beings that protect God servants. Thanks @stainedsheets for such a post

This post just changed my thinking on this issue, we still have guardian angels but its not individual.

"Also we need to realize that, what ever task that is assigned to an angel by God, never seem to fail. Then why would you have a guardian angel and yet, things never goes right for you?"
The angels are sole messengers to God and do as they are being assigned.

I love your post @stainedsheets, learn more about angels from here see: Genesis 22:11-12 , Genesis 24:7 , 40 ; Acts 12:5-8 , 11 ,
15; Psalms 34:7 , Matthew 4 , Acts 5:17-20 ,
Acts 8:26 . Take a minute now to thank God for the gift of your guardian angel and invite that angel to pray with you. The more we become aware of the movement of angels around us, the more we’ll believe in God’s active presence in our lives.
Sort of like a heavenly police force, guardian angels protect and serve. They protect (us) and serve (God), but they don’t eat donuts – just to be clear. Thanks

Wow, I really didn't have this conception till now, thanks alot

Wonderful post @stainedsheets, they are the ones assigned my God to us, to protect us from unforeseen circumstances...

You may decide not to believe that guidian angel exist but you should know that God has provided for us what we need to be called sons and daughter .
The angel as directed by God is the one who always protect us from all evil and attack of the evil one.

If you are a true child of God, then his angels will always be with you no matter what, but if you are a sinner, his angels cant be with you,thats just it.

Great post!

Actually, we all have guardian angels...
They watch over us, always.
Thanks for sharing

It's a great post. Thank you @stainedsheets, more from you...

This is great and interesting to note