STEEMCHURCH-The new commandment

in #steemchurch7 years ago


During the old days or old testament, after God delivered the people of israel from the hands of their captors, on the long run they went on to neglect God and build for themselves a graven image. They set up this image to stand as their god, giving this image praise and worship, for delivery them from the hands of the Egyptians.

God was moved by this and so, called Moses to the mountain were he always speak to Moses. God explained to moses how the people have neglected him and made for themselves a graven image in his place, and they give that image, what rightfully belongs to God. And as regards to this, God created the 10 commandments, which he inscribed on a stone and gave to Moses. Told moses that the Israelites must abide by the commandments or they will have to suffer the consequences.


God gave Moses this commandments, to help his people change their ways and come closer to him. But when jesus came to the world, he brought with him a new commandment.

John 13: 34-35

34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Jesus commandment was just one and simple "LOVE". Jesus did not come to abolish the commandments of his father, but to make it New. Love was the greatest of all, if you're able to love your fellow human, just as much as you love yourself, the world wil be a better place and by this, the world will know that you are his people.


Jesus understood the power of LOVE, he knew it was because of the love the father in heaven had for us, that's why he has come to carry our burdens and make it his own, just so we would have everlasting life with the father.

John 3:16

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

The above chapter expressively explained, how God cherish our relationship with him. God could as well, destroy the whole universe and no one will hold him accountable for his actions, but because of that love, the new commandment of jesus, he decided to give his only son as a permanent sacrifice for our sins, that whoever believes in him, would have eternal life. Anyone who believes, would have to spend the rest of eternity with him in heaven.

If you happen to have an only child and you are asked to give your child up for a sacrifice, so the whole humanity would be safe, i bet you 100% of humans on earth, would not go for it. That's to show you the amount of endless love the father has for humanity.

Furthermore, I'd like to draw to the conclusion that, love above all things is the only way we could show the world that we are the soldiers and people of Christ.


•Love breaks all barrier and unite the whole humanity in one God.

•Without Love the world would be like a battle ground for hate.

•When love is shown and given, it makes people see Christ in you.

•Love does not discriminate, instead it helps you grow as an individual in Christ.

•When love is shown, it draws people closer to you and makes people see the good in you.

Most times it's not all about preaching about Christ and the salvation of the soul, but most times, people really need to see that Christ you always talk about in you. You can't be telling people about love, and all you tend to give out is hate, for people to believe you are actually a lover of God and a true follower of Christ, you need to do more than preaching, more than just words, you need to make people feel the Love. Show the helpless that with Christ there's always hope for a better day, spend time with the sick, pray with them, and make them feel strong in Christ Jesus, Clothes the naked, give to the poor and show compassion to those who have wronged you and seek your forgiveness.


With all these been done, you don't need to say much about Christ and people will see it all over you and would definitely be drawn to such an amazing Love.


The new commandment is complete and they are made to make things easier for us all,not that he hates us. We are to put all this in mind and abide by the rules of them all.

The new commandment, love, is the easiest of all the commandments. When we love our neighbours we would not do anything to hurt them. When we love God we would not do anything that he hates. It's always a pleasure reading from you.

Thanks for contributing to the Church.

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The power of LOVE breaks all barriers, Christ knew it was because of the love the father in heaven had for us, that's why he has come to carry our burdens and make it his own, just so we would have everlasting life with the father.

Love is the greatest magic in the world, without it the world would be filled with hate.

The commandments of Jesus was clear, in fact it embodies Moses's original ten commandment however it's a summary if it, Jesus told his disciples, a new commandment I give unto you,
Love your neighbor as yourself and love the Lord your God,

In essence, if we obey we show love, then it won't be possible to exhibit all the acts mentioned in the ten commandments.

The new proposed conmandment of showing love is one every human shoykd showcase in their daily lives!

Each of the Ten Commandments reveals the attitudes and actions that show us how to love God and our neighbor. This is why the apostle John tells us that “whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him” and “By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments” ( 1 John 2:5 ; 1 John 5:2 ).The Ten Commandments truly sum up God’s law of love.

God gave moses the ten commandment in the old testerment, it was so hard to keep and to carry it around in thise days of mose.
As christ came to earth to be with men he preached to us abiut the old testament. He never abolushed Gods commandment given to moses from God but instead he improved the ten commandment by inputing it and inscribing it in our heart.
As you are born to the word the lords commandment will always be installed into our heart through the word of God we listean.

There are alot of scriptures that preaches lobe in the scriptures, which goes to show just how important loving one another is to God, spread love people.

The new commandments brings about a new dimension to christianity but still we have our own shortcomings in obeying

The new commandment is love....
Love is the fulfillment of the law.
If you love, you are fulfilling the law.
Love conquers all