LAND LIBERATION 2- The Real Evil Trees are in our Hearts

in #steemchurch6 years ago

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Again, in Matthew 15 Jesus made it clear that the religious efforts and Observances would not give them the progress and peace they needed.

He told them to look into their hearts and pay attention to what happens in their minds instead For therein are the issues of life. The things that defiles us, the things that hinder us, the things that block our ways. The real evil trees are not outside, they are inside our hearts Jesus said.

For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adultery, fornication, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man... (Matthew 15:19 20)

Do you see that? The things that defile us are inside us in our hearts. They are not outside, therefore it is these things which fill our hearts. the evil plants of our hearts that need to be cut down and rooted out. It is the land of our hearts that needs immediate liberation. if we are going to progress and get into God's blessings for us.

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings. (jeremiah 17:9-10).

So you see it is our heart condition that determines what we get from God.

Why many are not yet delivered

Many Christians go about cutting down what they call ‘evil trees‘ and removing ‘evil objects in their father's compound , this type of 'land liberation‘ and covenant breaking' is becoming rampant these days. But the irony is that many have done these things over and over again and yet their problems remain in some cases their situations even worsened. So what is the mystery? The truth is this: if we cut down and uproot all the so-called evil trees but fail to remove the vices that are in our lives then we haven't done anything for we will remain in bondage. Our problems will remain with us. Why? Because the vices that are in our lives are more dangerous and more powerful than the 'evil trees' in our towns and villages. The spiritual trees (vices) that are in our hearts are indeed more evil than the physical trees that are outside us. it is the vices in our hearts that act as spiritual doors through which the devil comes into our life to bind us. It is the vices in our hearts that open the door for the devil if these doors are not closed by removing these vices any other “deliverance" we are doing will be of little or no use. Hence Jesus had said that the prince of this world had nothing in Him (John 14:30). The devil had nothing inside Jesus therefore he couldn't have power over Him. The things the devil has inside us that are more important. These are what we call vices. The evil that is outside us will not be of much importance if the devil has nothing inside us. Therefore real deliverance should start from inside our hearts not outside. For what defiles a man is inside him Jesus said not outside him(Matthew 15:19).

Are you seeking true deliverance and progress? Then leave the trees that are in your father's house alone. Go to God and ask him to uproot the vices that fill your life. Be in His presence at regular times everyday for this work to be done. In a short time you will begin to experience a transformation and restoration that you have never known before. You can start the programme today!


It's what a person thinks about all the time that he will eventually act on. We should examine ourselves individually and see what we spend our time thinking about as it can either defile us and help us demonstrate a stronger faith.

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Upvoted & Resteemed

So true. We need to get to the root cause of our sinful behavior.

You are right....the bible even let us to know that what defiles a man is not what he take in to his mouth but what cometh out of it.
"Out of the abundant of the heart....the mouth speaketh"
Thanks @stainedsheet for sharing