in #steemchurch7 years ago

you are a marketer of Jesus Christ? It is safe to say that you are a product of your product? It is one thing to preach Christ and another to be a product of what you say in regards to Him.
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He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to each creature – Mark 16:15 (NKJV).

Also, day by day in the temple, and in each house, they didn't stop teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ – Acts 5:42 (NKJV).
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The Spirit of the LORD has arrived, in light of the fact that He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to recuperate the down and out, to announce freedom to the captives and recuperation of sight to the visually impaired, to set at freedom the individuals who are abused – Luke 4:18 (NKJV).

You are our epistle written in our souls, known and read by all men – 2 Corinthians 3:2 (NKJV).

In a business, I discovered that I ought to be a product of my product. While contemplating on this, it was laid in my spirit that we trusting Christians ought to be products of Christ that we preach.

It is simpler to offer your products when you are a testimony of how great your product is. Individuals have a tendency to trust you and purchase your product when you share your testimonies of the product, particularly when they can relate with your previous circumstance. This rule additionally applies when you market Christ as Lord and saviour . You have more grounded effect when you hone and are what you preach.

In Mark 16:15, Jesus instructed each child of God to go into the entire world and preach the gospel, which is Jesus the Christ (Acts 5:42). You are to market Him as the Lord and Friend in need of the entire world, the one that will recuperate the down and out, broadcast freedom to the captives, recoup seeing the visually impaired and set at freedom the individuals who are abused (Luke 4:18).
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Nonetheless, by what method will individuals trust you in the event that you are beaten down, bound and persecuted of the adversary? Individuals in such circumstances will think that its hard to get the Lord as their answer when you preach to them that He can convey them. The invert is the situation when they know you were once beaten down, bound or persecuted of the demon, however now you are free without a doubt. Your declaration of God's deliverance, mending and gift will influence individuals to want to relate to your Jesus – the answer for your difficulties. They will first surrender to Jesus in view of your declaration before they encounter Him for themselves. You are the epistle that individuals know and read initial (2 Corinthians 3:2).

The lady of Samaria's declaration of what Jesus did in her life was what first attracted the general population to Christ. They initially accepted on Christ as a result of her declaration before they trusted Him in view of His own words to them (John 4:39-42).

Taking everything into account, it is vital that you trust God's words and have them satisfied in your life with the goal that your declaration of Christ will have more grounded affect on your listeners, in this manner inciting them to likewise get Jesus as their own Lord and Rescuer. Be a product of your product!


Thanks for sharing this post with the @steemchurch..... Upvoted and resteem @abiye

we need to realize that we are here for a mission and we need to do it ...

Taking everything into account, it is vital that you trust God's words and have them satisfied in your life with the goal that your declaration of Christ will have more grounded affect on your listeners, in this manner inciting them to likewise get Jesus as their own Lord and Rescuer. Be a product of your product!

Thank you skycode for articulating what I have been thinking.

He gave us a mandate and mission to preach the Gospel to the world

That's true, be a preacher of the gospel, and also a doer of the gospel.

If the dead want more, then what are we living doing. We must preached the word of God to all nations. Thanks for sharing.

A product of my product, that is very beautiful, as Christians one never contemplates the possibilities of you know trying to understand one's self, but in a bid to really understand the concept of preaching God's words then we really know what it means to preach his gospel

Its important we know how to spread the gospel which is all about the wondrous work God wroth through his son Jesus. God is so awesome he has reconciled us back to himself so we should do well to spread this gospel more or less market it.
When you are selling a product wherever you go you advertise the product not only try to sell it that how the gospel is ought to be spread.

while we continue to extend our hands to show the love of Christ, we must come back to using our words to help people make the most important decision of their lives: to be followers of Jesus Christ.

"Taking everything into account, it is vital that you trust God's words and have them satisfied in your life with the goal that your declaration of Christ will have more grounded affect on your listeners, in this manner inciting them to likewise get Jesus as their own Lord and Rescuer. Be a product of your product"
Let us take this very serious. Preach the gospel

we should run the heavenly race and pursue a bigger picture, It is said in Matthew that seeking God's kingdom will add every other thing into your hands.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you

God's kingdom should be marketed properly by his people ,because the reward is great and cannot be compared with any earthly rewards

I like this concept. Probably if Christians saw the gospel as a product that must be marketed to all, we might have a better approach to it.

Take the gospel of the lord to the higher level by putiing all you have to do the will of the lord .
He said go into the word and preach the good neews of the lord .
We as christains should always be ready to preach the word of God in truth and in spirit.
Everything earthly are things which we will always put aside when we are working in the spirit and doing Hus work
The holly spirit is not in anyway the evil one it is the spirit a not by God to guild , protect and give Hus children the ultinate direction. .
In any where we find our self we should always give him glory and make our self available to be used by the holly spirit .
When Christ cone to the earth when he accepted to die for his people on the cross of canvary , before his death he promised his apostles of the comforter which is the holly spirit and he did give it to them after his resurrection.
This us to show his much he love us and how much he care about us .

That's true, be a preacher of the gospel, and also a doer of the gospel.

For this reason, Christian marketing must not turn our gaze back to the way we once lived (Genesis 19:26) – a life characterised by selfish desires.

Im happy to be a marketer of the gospel....

Be a product of your product"

I like this concept.
This is nice, another great from you
Thanks for sharing this post with the @steemchurch!

The holly spirit is not in anyway the evil one it is the spirit a not by God to guild , protect and give Hus children the ultinate direction.
God to all nations. Thanks for sharing.