We must care about the poor because Jesus cares about the poor and because we were commissioned by him to preach, heal and deliver those in distress. When Jesus was anointed at Bethany with "expensive perfume made of pure nard," didn't he chide those concerned about using that money for the poor with the words, "The poor you will always have with you" (Mark 14:7)? Some may take this to suggest that Christians should not be obsessed with lifting the poor out of their poverty. "After all," they may say, "isn't God's ultimate purpose on earth to redeem a people to himself from every tribe, tongue and nation (Revelation 7:9) and not to bring an end to hunger? Wasn't the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord upon Jesus not to feed or clothe or house the poor but to 'preach good news' to them (Luke 4:18)? Isn't his 'Great Commission' to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19) and not to go and feed all nations? Why, then, should we as Christians care about the poor?"