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RE: SteemChurch: If we can't see or hear God, how do we know he exists?

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

This Knight sees God as an omnipresence (present everywhere) and omniscience (all-knowing), but not an omnipotent (all-powerful) spirit.

Hello @sirknight, with all due respect, I'd like to point out a few things regarding the above statement.

If the bible refers to God as Omnipotent, why should we say otherwise.
If you truly believe that, "God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth"... You should also believe that He is Omnipotent because that's the Truth.

There is enough evidence in the Bible to say that God cannot (perhaps will not), directly impact upon humanity.

I will like to see those evidences. Well, except you mean physical impartation...

More so He does guide our course through indirect influences - such as control over elements and working through people.

Does this not prove Gods Omnipotence?

A good example: He owns and controls the air we breathe. With a snap of His fingers, He can seize this air and we will cease to exist. That's a direct impact!

My God is Omnipotent

For further understanding of the word OMNIPOTENT. Here is a screenshot of the meaning of the word:


Now, compare it with whom you serve.

Have a blessed week


Thank you for the challenge scarletmedia.

This Knight believes that there is a level of semantics caught up this comment you have made.

Compared to you and me - God is omnipotent. However, if God is truly omnipotent explain:

  1. Famine.
  2. Disease and pestilence.
  3. Droughts and floods.
  4. Cyclones and other natural disasters.
  5. Starvation.
  6. Torture and slavery.
  7. Rape, murder, child molestation.
  8. Central banking.
  9. Accidents.

Surely if God had unlimited power - there would be none of these things.

Let's take it a step further - if God wanted the Israelite's freed from slavery why didn't he simply pick them up and move them out? Why work through Moses?

So this Knight stands by his comment - God either cannot involve himself directly; or, he chooses not. Either way this makes SirKnight happy. For either way humanity has choice, freewill and responsibility.

(Now return to original post)

I am... SirKnight.

Compared to you and me - God is omnipotent. However, if God is truly omnipotent explain:

  1. Famine.
  2. Disease and pestilence.
  3. Drought and floods.
  4. Cyclones and other natural disasters.
  5. Starvation.
  6. Torture and slavery.
  7. Rape, murder, child molestation.
  8. Central banking.
  9. Accidents.

From my little understanding, I think the simplest explanation to this is freewill.
The question asked resembles, ''Why didn't GOD destroy Satan?
God is the root of all good and Satan is vice versa. God doesn't rule with power, but love..
Before the fall of Lucifer, he accused God of improper leadership, this was a challenge, and no one challenges God. But, God didn't destroy Satan, Why?

  1. Because He rules with love and not power, If He destroyed Satan, it would instill fear in the angels and they would've no longer served Him with love, but with fear. God doesn't want this.
  2. Because God has to prove that His leadership is the only good, and that of Satan's is worthless. And since Satan thinks God's leadership is poor, he is the only candidate to prove it. This explains all the listed disasters.

God omnipotence, will still be displayed fully, but with time. And then, the earth will be destroyed, as said by @scarletmedia. The delay is for the our salvation, which is a proof against Satan. This is one reason for our creation.
AJoining God's kingdom is by choice and not by force, and His omnipotence shall manifest, and all created being, with even an atom of evil will be subjected to eternal doom.


wow... i just love your comment... i dont have much to add...

truth is, Satan is vanquished, and God is forever victorious

if we can believe that, then all sufferings make sense all the same...


Thanks for taking your time to read those series of comments.

The bible teaches that bad corrupts good, but let's look at the bright side. At the end of this world, good will overcome bad and it won't have any power to corrupt good again. because we will be fully trans figured.



It was my true pleasure... Good to see people talking about our Father in here. :D

Amen to all of this, God's plan is perfect. All our corruptions will fade and disappear in the end, and we will look as we were looked upon... By the Creator and Redeemer.

I firmly believe evil's purpose is a God-given one, to shape us into the vessels we are meant to be... into true warriors of the Light.

Like Trojan horses, we were introduced to this World to "absorb" and "distract" evil from its downfall, which is already written, and already a reality...

<3 Stay strong, stay true!

Surely if God had unlimited power - there would be none of these things.
Nice list of arguments that God does not exist. If you think these things prove God is not Omnipotent, I suggest you look to answer these questions:
Why did God give man freewill?
Why did God provide the temptation that resulted in the original sin? Did he not see this coming?
I believe my Omnipotent and loving God did not create a pet dog or an ant farm for his amusement. He created a complete environment where we could grow and learn to commune with our creator. This our place to learn the pain and sorrow of not being with Him and the joy and rewards of following His word. We are not capable of understanding why all the things we perceive as bad happen, but we must learn to appreciate the lessons and gifts He graciously gives us. Especially the gift of forgiveness through the sacrifice of His son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Proof of a Love that cannot be exceeded.
God be with you.

God is All-knowing sir. Let's flashback to the beginning of time when God made man. He made all things good for man including his habitation...until man sinned. It is the result of the fall of man that all these things; problems and disasters occur on a daily all over the world. We can only pray, have faith and believe that God's got us no matter the situation or circumstance we find ourselves. It is only through faith in Him that we can have steadfast LOVE and be safe from danger.

You and I are both alive today because we love Him and He loves us. So we keep up the faith.

Thanks a lot @sirknight. You are a man full of knowledge and wisdom. I am very happy to have crossed paths with you today through my blog. May God bless you!



wow... well ive just lost a bit of love towards you, dear brother...

God IS OMNIPOTENT, and he is also PURE LOVE

he choses not to do some things, and to do others

we are nothing to debate his SOVEREIGN DECISIONS

in fact, it is suffering that makes people humble, an undeniable prerequisite to meet him...