Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, peace be unto you all! We welcome you all to @sc-g blog.
Many of us bear witnesses on many men of God and Apostles who worked hard during their to promote the words of God throughout the World. We are still wondering how they were able to find their way through, because before Christ, disseminating the Gospel to the World was very difficult compare to today. Let us consider lives of the Disciples and Apostles such as Peter, Paul, Matthew, John, James and many men of God who sacrificed their lives to serve God. Consider the places Apostle Paul spread the Gospel: Roma, Antioch, Perga and many other places. According to studies, Paul travelled about 10,000 miles to proclaim the word of God.
Some of many men of God were beaten severely, tortured and driven away, Paul and Silas were imprisoned, in the prison, they were sending leters which the content were to encourage the converts that they have shared the Gospel with them. That was indeed difficult task, because we know prisoners do not have enough liberty to operate, yet, they fought their ways through in order to witness for Christ the Savoir. But in all, they didn't give up announcing the word of God to the unbelievers.
Then one can never conclude that the great power and strength form the anointing these Apostles had to work was easy. There was nothing like easy to be offered power of anointing. We have to work toward it. Many of us believes that to get the power of God to work is just a nine day wonder, we at time pray one night, evangelise once a month and expect God's glory to shine upon us. We are expecting to be prophets, pastors, and apostles but we do not want to strive and give much to God. The Scripture says, the Apostles had great power to witness for our Lord Jesus and his resurrection and through that more grace were abound for them, in fact this did not come by magic or luck being on their side, but they really fought the good fight; they toil by living their entire lives with God irrespective difficult circumstances surrounding them. They looked up to Jesus, calculating how He was suffering because of our sins to save us. What more is precious than Salvation for our souls? The flesh is nothing but it is the souls which live for eternal.
Acts 4:33 (KJV)
33 And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.
Many of us today are seeking the power of God's to work in this living, but we should we say that is either we are forgetting the true rewards from our work? The power of God would only manifest in our lives if we show up for God's work, giving our time, energy and knowledge to serve God. Today, many people want cheaper and easy ways, so we do not see the glory of God. We want to sleep, work small and be blessed with the power of God. We should remember that the word of God remains the same but changes our lives anytime it rings into our ears. Time would only change, but we do not the word of God is altered in any way, because what was applicable to the men of God in some years past was the same today. God hasn't changed anything, no law has changed. The suffering which there in the past are also there currently.
In SteemChurch, we are community in Blocks of steem proclaiming the word of God. We are also here to receive the power of God if we work hard and spread the word of God to those who need our love and freedom. We are not far from the power of God. By working hard, much blessings from God await us. We are encouraged to keep our faith in God, work as a team and make this community stronger. Thanks to everyone is this lovely community!