The power of imagination

in #steemchurch6 years ago

God doesn’t cause His joy, peace, anointing, and healing to come and go.

for the gift and the calling of God are not things he will regret
We do. God isn’t the variable. We are. He’s not the One who moves in “waves.” It’s the body of Christ who receives in waves what Jesus has already provided. The Lord is constant, but we’re not. He doesn’t do this for a while, and then change His mind and do “that” instead. Everything Jesus Christ lived, died, and resurrected to provide for us has been constantly available since He sat down at the right hand of the Father. just like a television station constantly transmits its signal, God is always transmitting. However, whether we perceive that signal or not depends on our receiver. Is it plugged in, turned on, and tuned in? Whether we experience God’s provision or not depends on whether or not we’re receiving. If we aren’t, the problem is with our receiver, not God’s transmitter, and there are specific things we can do to fix our receiver. The vast majority of the body of Christ begs God for things He’s already given. If you pray that way, you’re just going to get silence on the other end because God can’t do anything that He hasn’t already done for you. You just need to learn how to receive what He has already provided. But after you receive, you must also maintain it. In some ways, it’s more important to know how to maintain what you’ve received than it is to receive God’s touch in the first place. In order to maintain consistency and keep the things of God fresh and alive in your heart, the first key is you must glorify God. This means you must value and prize Him. Many of our problems come as a result of misplaced values. We let other things compete with and occupy the place that God alone should have in our life. Your Spiritual Smell The second key is to be thankful. God’s Word reveals that we give off a spiritual smell. That’s what the word savour means in these verses: For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. The praise and thanksgiving of the redeemed like sacrifice in the Old Testament-produces a spiritual aroma that blesses God. However, just like the smell of manure attracts flies, griping and complaining attract demons. Have you wondered why bad things always seem to happen to you? It may be because you’re a griper and a complainer. If that’s true, you’re drawing all of the demons in the county to yourself. You need to be a God-praiser. Praise is one of the most important things you can do. It makes you focus on what the Lord is doing. If you’re the kind of person who tends toward the negative, you won’t continue in praising God. If you make a decision to start praising the Lord, you’ll have to start seeing the positive side of things. Why? There’s nothing praiseworthy in the negative. This forces you to focus on the things of God. **text:Phillipians. 4:4-8**
4 Always rejoice in the Lord. Again I will say, Rejoice! 5 Let your reasonableness become known to all men. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things
Counterfeits and Abuse The third key comes from Romans 1:21 where it says they “became vain in their imaginations.” If you’re a leaky vessel, one of the main holes where God leaks out of you is your not glorifying God. That leads to not being thankful. These two things combined cause your imagination to become vain.To be vain is to be idle or non-productive. It’s not that your imagination isn’t functioning. It’s just not benefiting you. Many Christians don’t like to talk about imagination. They often think it’s childish, saying, “Only kids daydream and imagine things. I’m logical and deal only in reality,” They pride themselves on being a “realist” instead of a visionary-imaginative-person. Others see imagination as something associated with Eastern religions. “Sit down in a lotus position and visualize world peace.”]ust because something is abused doesn’t mean we should chuck it. Eastern religions abuse prayer too, but that doesn’t mean you should quit praying. Satan only counterfeits something that’s real. The very fact that other people have counterfeited this shows that it has genuine value. It’s Always Working Your imagination is important. It’s functioning all the time. You may think, I "m not a person who sits around imagining things, but you are-constantly. It’s how you do everything. You don’t have a choice whether your imagination works or not. You just get to choose whether it’s working for or against you. If you quit glorifying, magnifying, praising, and thanking 30d, your imagination will automatically gravitate toward negative things. You can’t control that. Your imagination is basically a by-product of your focus. If you are really valuing the things of God-praising and thanking Him your imagination will begin to see things happening properly in your life. Whether you realize it or not, your mind functions through imagination. You can’t really do anything about it. As a matter of fact, the word imagination: in the Old Testament literally means “a form and figuratively means “conception.Your imagination is the part of you where you conceive things. If you didn’t have an imagination; you would be totally noncreative. Just like an animal, you’d have to be taught and learn things by repetition. But one of the distinguishing characteristics between human beings and animals is our imagination. It’s a powerful part of who we are. Whether you recognize it or not, your imagination is the part of you that conceives everything. Before you can act anything out, you have to conceive it first in your imagination.if you can’t see it with your imagination, you can’t do it.

Thanks for your fine contribution.

Your article touched quite a number of topics, interesting. But please do well to use punctuation marks and paragraphs properly next time.

Upvoted & Resteemed

It's good to imagine things, but we need to be wary of our imaginations. It is possible for ones imagination to lead a person astray. Thanks for the beautiful points.

You right Sammy, most believers fail to harness the immense power of imaginations. They feel it's not necessary nor useful to them. I think your post pretty much sums up everything that has been on my mind as regards imaginations! Thanks for sharing.

Whether you recognize it or not, your imagination is the part of you that conceives everything. Before you can act anything out, you have to conceive it first in your imagination, if you can’t see it with your imagination, you can’t do it.

Truly every plan starts with an imagination, if you cannot picture your plans or conceive it inside of us we cannot achieve that plan in life so imagination is very powerful, even the Bible says it that "As a man thinketh so he is".
Thanks for sharing

Before you can act anything out, you have to conceive it first in your imagination.if you can’t see it with your imagination, you can’t do it.

Our imagination is where great ideas and discoveries are conceived and given birth to.

If we dig deep into our imaginations and minds, we would find so many beautiful ideas that would add value to the world.

Lack of understanding of the power of the imagination is responsible for the suffering, incompetence, difficulties, failures and unhappiness people experience. For some reason, most people are inclined to think in a negative way. They do not expect success. They expect the worst, and when they fail, they believe that fate is against them. This attitude can be changed, and then life will improve accordingly.
Understanding, how to use your imagination correctly , and putting this knowledge into practice, for your own and others' benefit, will put you on the golden path to success, satisfaction and happiness.

Many of our problems come as a result of misplaced values. We let other things compete with and occupy the place that God alone should have in our life.

The enemy will always try to shift our focus for Godly things, the devil will always want to destroy us When we haven't seen, that's why we should always give God our hear to fully occupy it. So That the devil won't have any chance.

Thanks for sharing.

Numerous youngsters totally surrender the utilization of their creative ability at this phase of their lives, and others make utilization of it helpfully; This is the place guardians assume an imperative part, as they can give their kids some innovative outlet for their creative ability, while others subdue or repress the child's. In actuality, each person has a creative ability, which can be quelled, mutilated or latent, however exists, and is more intense than resolve, yet when there is a contention between them - creative energy and resolution - dependably wins first Welcome to Steemchurch thank you for sharing God favor you.

It is through imagination that you are able to view the spirit man in you and you are able look for the unseen.
Many don't know what it means to be with Christ and stand in his ways and do his ways will , the love of God is only bound to those who put their whole heart in the lord and do what God expect them to do through him who made heaven and earth.
When we truelly love and trust God in our life our life and and our joy will be worth more than anything you may think of.
You don't have to think that as you call your self Christian then tour life wulk have no definition .
Christ who is your saviour has always given your life meaning and definition .
Working in the direction if God is the best thing we can do.
God is is so power that he is always there for everybody who have trust in him no matter where you are located.
everything we do or hear should be reflected by Gods word, our life should be of God.
The purpose of Christ coming was fulfilled and was noticed by people who took all they have and all their time to work with the Lord .
Paul through his ministry was able to accomplish various task and he made himself a good example if a right fellow

"Whether you recognize it or not, your imagination is the part of you that conceives everything. Before you can act anything out, you have to conceive it first in your imagination.if you can’t see it with your imagination, you can’t do it"
It is the most powerful part of any man.

I love this statement"Your imagination is the part of you where you conceive things. If you didn’t have an imagination; you would be totally noncreative"its very true. What you conceive is what you put to birth

Many young people almost completely abandon the use of their imagination at this stage of their lives, and others make use of it in a constructive way; This is where parents play a very important role, as they can give their children some creative outlet for their imagination, while others repress or inhibit the child's. In reality, every human being has an imagination, which can be repressed, distorted or inactive, but exists, and is more powerful than willpower, but when there is a conflict between them - imagination and willpower - always wins first Welcome to Steemchurch thank you for sharing God bless you.

I adore this statement"Your creative energy is the piece of you where you imagine things. In the event that you didn't have a creative energy; you would be absolutely noncreative"its genuine. What you imagine is the thing that you put to birth

Absence of comprehension of the energy of the creative ability is in charge of the anguish, inadequacy, challenges, disappointments and despondency individuals encounter. For reasons unknown, a great many people are slanted to think contrarily. They don't expect achievement. They expect the most exceedingly bad, and when they come up short, they trust that destiny is against them. This state of mind can be changed, and after that life will enhance in like manner.

I adore this statement"Your creative energy is the piece of you where you consider things. In the event that you didn't have a creative ability; you would be absolutely noncreative"its genuine. What you imagine is the thing that you put to birth

Imagination becomes reality,according to the Bible, God said let us create the world meaning, He imagine how if they create the world it will be like. Imagination should be part of all Christians lives. Thanks for sharing.