The place of importance

in #steemchurch6 years ago

When God touches your life, Satan immediately comes to steal it away. (Mark 4:15.)
Text:mark 4:15

15 These, then, are the ones alongside the road where the word is sown; but as soon as they have heard it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them
He doesn’t want you to keep whatever it was the Lord gave you revelation, a blessing, a healing, for instance. The Enemy does this by trying to get you to quit glorifying God as God. If you stop glorifying God as God-“and stop glorifying what He’s done in your life-then you'll lose the manifestation of that revelation, blessing, healing, or whatever else was manifested. It’ll seem like your joy and peace are diminishing. But if you don’t quit glorifying God and what He’s done in your life, you’ll never lose it-and it’ll increase.then, what does it mean to “glorify” God? When I first ran across this, I looked it up in the Strong’: concordance. The Greek word used in Romans 1:21 for glory? means “to render (or esteem) glorious.”‘That didn’t ‘ help me very i looked up both render and esteem in the dictionary it was wheni saw the definition for esteem that God opened my eyes to this truth. Esteem means “to value to prize,or to reverence.You Place Value on Everything When God does something in your life, you place a value Upon it, but then Satan immediately comes against that Value and competes for it. He tries to steal from you the worth and value you’ve placed on the things of God. happens to everyone. The same thing will happen with this teaching. Some people who read this will receive it. Others won’t. But one way or another, you are placing a value on what you’re learning. When you received the word of God which you heard of us, you received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in

you that believe. 1 THESSAIONIANS 2:13
Text:1 thessalonians2:13

13 Indeed, that is why we also thank God unceasingly, because when you received God’s word, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God, which is also at work in you believers.
Some readers will say, “This is God speaking to me” and others Will conclude “That’s just Andrew.” Then you’ll place a value on these truths and they will affect your life or not accordingly. You place a value on everything that comes into your life, The devil comes immediately to attack the value you place on God, His Word, and the manifestation of what He’s done-and doing-in your life.It’s Your Choice Let’s say the Lord speaks to you and reveals His uncondi' tional love. You experience and feel that love saying, “God loves me! Almighty God loves me!” You receive the peace, joy, and other benefits that revelation and experience bring, but tomorrow the devil will agitate someone at work to come over and dump on you. They’ll tell you what an absolute zero you are, criticizing your performance or something else the devil knows will bother you. Do you know what’s happening? The Enemy is competing for the value you placed on God and His love. You can go to church and get so blessed and happy. Then you go home and someone jumps all over your case. Satan is trying to steal your joy. Here’s what God says about you and here's the opposite. It’s like a seesaw according to the value you place on it. When one side is up, the other side is down-and vice versa. If you value what God says, then you have to devalue what others say. Like a seesaw, you can‘t have both sides up at the same time. “God loves me. Not only does He love me, He likes me. He’s pleased with me. I’m full of joy unspeakable and full of glory!” But when the criticism and opposition come, will you hold on to what God has said and done, or will you start honoring, prizing, and valuing the acceptance of those people equal to or above God? If you let their word have power and increase, then the value you place on God’s Word and what He’s done in your life will decrease. You’ll start losing the manifestation of joy, peace, and victory that revr lation gave you. It wasn’t God who quit transmitting it, but you who quit receiving. You allowed something else to occupy the position in your life that was meant for God. You place a value on everything that comes against ya“: NO one else can. Nobody else can dictate the worth you Pm on something in your life. It‘s your choice.

The house of our father is the most important place we want to be, because only he can see us through these perilous times. It is also a place where our faith can be strengthened generally. Thanks for this informative piece.

Yeah, SteemChurch, is just like a place of worship. We are a congregation of those interested in living a better life with God before the end comes. Thanks for sharing with the church.

Upvoted & Resteemed

How we value something determines how we treasure it. If we value God's word we will treasure and keep it in our hearts. Satan knows what God's word can do in our life, and will do everything to hinder it but the choice is ours, whether to permit him or not.

We must declare to all of what he does in our lives!

No place is important than the city of Zion, in that city there no:

  1. Sickness
    That city is full of happiness, for is a place of very importance to the Lord.

Thanks for sharing this.

Most atimes we allow the cares of this wprld to occupy our heart thereby given us reason not to appreciate God nor have time to even worship Him and Devil use the avenue to steal away our blessings

We need to continousely appreciating God and keep dwelling on God's word while worshiping Him

Thanks for this.
The best place to be in order to experience life of ease and calmness filled with joy and hope is being in the presence of God always.
For, "In the presence of God, there's fullness of joy"

We need to disallowed Devil and it's agents to have dominion of our lives through the cares of this world. We need to keep dwelling in God's presence through praise and worship Him because of who He is, what He has done and what He can do.

Church is the most important place, We see people coming together to worship who come from different stages in life, different occupations, and different backgrounds. Paul stressed that the social divides typical of most groups in society have no place in the church. The church should be a place of diversity, where each person can contribute to the whole. Limiting oneself to a circle of peers is not sanctioned by Scripture and does not promote spiritual growth.

No one can dictate the course of my life or my worth, only GOD and I myself dictates that.

If you value what God says, then you have to devalue what others say. Like a seesaw, you can‘t have both sides up at the same time. “God loves me. Not only does He love me, He likes me. He’s pleased with me. I’m full of joy unspeakable and full of glory!”

I am precious, justified, glorified, cleansed, a chosen generation called for to show GOD'S Excellence and Heavenly Celebrated.
I know who I am!!!.

Thank You so much for this.
This is just what I needed to start my day.


This is a huge fact :

if you don’t quit glorifying God and what He’s done in your life, you’ll never lose it

Thanks for sharing

We should always find a perfect time and and a perfect place to always worship the savour for he is always ready to hear us all the time.
Those who have given their lives to him will always be stood for.
Many don't know what it means to be with Christ and stand in his ways and do his ways will , the love of God is only bound to those who put their whole heart in the lord and do what God expect them to do through him who made heaven and earth.
God who create us knows that we are humans and that we are prone to sin anytime but he never puts his face away from us .
David was known as a man after Gods heart not because he never commit sin or he never annoys God, but david is always ready to ask for Gods mercies anytime he sin against God and humanity.
He founds time to worship him and praise him and this makes God heart to always be directed towards Davids heart and life.
You can do all things according to how you want it to be when Christ is in your life and he gives you direction on what to do and also what to give to others

Oh yes!

We must learn to accept the Word of God and consolidate on it at every moment of our lives.

Thanks for sharing.

wow very nice post thanks for sharing with us all ialways follow you for more good blog.

The Bible says, Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.

  1. God planted the Place.
  2. God put man in the Place.
  3. God gave the man purpose in the Place.
    God made places before He made people.
    made places before He made people.

May God help us to treasure his word in our mind and heart by being doers of it and not forgetful hearers.

the place where congregates can not be specifically a place or a temple with gold as many churches pretend, but a true place where to share the true teachings of light and goodness, Jesus did not preach in a temple of gold and silver but in the streets where anybody agreed his word and his miracles.

We must declare to all of what he does in our lives!