in #steemchurch7 years ago

As much as we look forward to the Paradise ahead of us,the basic blessing in this new world will be spiritual. Imagine how satisfying it will be to young and I to know that GOD'S name has been sanctified and his sovereignty as the rightful ruler of mankind vindicated and thereby putting Satan the devil to shame .

We will be thrilled to see how Jehovah's original plan for mankind and the earth being fulfilled and let's think how much easier it will be to draw closer to Jehovah as we approach and finnaly reach perfection

Text: Psalms73:28

But it is good for me to draw near to GOD I have put my trust in the lord GOD that I may declare all thy works.


If we have faith in GOD the blessings he has promised us will be ours because he assures us that with him all things are possible

Matthew 19:25,26

25.When his disciples heard it,they were exceedingly amazed ,saying,who then can be saved ? 26.But Jesus beheld them and said unto them,with men this is impossible,but with GOD all things are possible

So if you want to be among those that is going to live in that new world we must act now to get a firm hold on everlasting life.now the question is what do I need to do to be among those that is going to inherit or rather be get the privilege of being among those that will live forever on earth.

First of all we need to practice the things Jesus Christ stood for and preached about when he was on earth which is LOVE love conquers all.

If we have the love of GOD not agape love.and also have the fear of GOD.if we practice such love then our heavenly father Jehovah will bless you abundantly.

1 Timothy 6:19

Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come,that they may lay hold on eternal life


And we must do well to live in expectation of the end of this wicked world and therefore take positive steps right now to prepare for life in the new world .