Believe When We Feel That There Is No Hope
It is easy to believe and trust in God when we are well, or when we see things, when our faith is supported by the facts we are seeing; or we know that we are healthy and we still have life, but ...
What happens when we find ourselves in a situation where the situation is totally against us? When are we in the middle of the disease and the prognosis is bleak? Do we have the same capacity to believe in what God can do? Are we capable of trusting in God's totality? Or is it hard for us to believe that God will work or that He will heal us?
Let's be honest: it is easy for us to believe when we see the power of God acting, but when those times of torment, pain, anguish and fear come, where, no matter how much we pray, we do not find an answer, those times where it seems that God also to keep silence has also disappeared, in those moments, let's be honest that we HAVE TO BELIEVE THAT SOMETHING GOOD CAN HAPPEN.
Let me tell you something, that will heal you in a thousand different ways, it will save you and bring peace to your heart and strength to your spirit.
Personally, I am struck by a passage in the Bible where I can notice the character's faith in Jesus even though Jesus is dying at that moment.
When they were crucifying Jesus, the Bible says: "And they crucified two thieves with him, one on his right hand, and the other on his left" Mark 15:27
I am struck by what each of them thinks about Jesus. They being bad were sharing a deathbed with someone who was good, had no guilt, had never done anything bad to deserve death on a cross, however one of the thieves seeing their state and Jesus was exactly the same , since the two were crucified on a cross regardless of the reason for his judgment, he dares to say: "And one of the evildoers who were hanged insulted him, saying: If you are the Christ, save yourself and us" Luke 23:39
His phrase denoted total disbelief, since he said: "If you are the Christ", as if to say: "Prove if it is true!". Sometimes we act in exactly the same way, am I wrong? I do not believe, we act exactly like that thief, seeing our bad state we tend to demand God to prove that he is.
How many times have we told God: "If you are God, do this or this?", Or how many times without saying we have thought in this way: "God you have the power to do this, show me that you are capable of doing it" .
You know, sometimes God does not have to prove anything, he does not need to go everywhere doing everything you want him to do so that you think he is God or that he has the power to do it, sometimes I think we try to blackmail God , "Putting into judgment" his power or his capacity to act, as if the fact that we put him on trial will make him work more or do it faster or in the way that we want.
God has his times, his forms, his goals and purposes, He does not need to show you what HE IS, because he always WAS, has always been and always will be. He will always do according to his will.
On the other hand I want to highlight the answer the other thief: "Responding the other, he rebuked him, saying: Do you not even fear God, being in the same condemnation? We, indeed, suffer, because we received what our deeds deserved; but this one did no evil. And he said to Jesus: Remember me when you come into your kingdom. "Luke 23: 40-42
I am very impressed by the kind of conviction or faith of this other thief, he could have been a thief all his life, but on his deathbed God gave him the opportunity to know God's forgiveness.
Possibly his whole life is very bad, because a thief, regardless of what he says or thinks, is not happy, he can not be happy doing what he does, but God had a plan, a purpose, that even on his deathbed this man and the other would have the opportunity to repent of their deeds and recognize him as the only Savior.
The phrase that this thief expresses is so full of FAITH and SECURITY that gives us a full chair of what it really is to BELIEVE even when you DO NOT SEE. This man says to him: "Remember me when you come into your kingdom." It is easy to believe when we see God act, but this man was seeing God "die" and even in the state that Jesus was in and in the position that He BELIEVE
For many of us to watch die
Jesus would have been reason to stop believing in Him, because, How is it possible that the Son of God is dying ?, How is it possible that they kill him in this way after the power that we saw him use? How is it possible that everything is over in this way ?, like many in that time, perhaps we too would have disappointed. But this thief man, in spite of seeing Jesus die, believed in Him so firmly that I consider him to be KING when he says: "... when you come into your kingdom", Jesus who knows the hearts of each one, knew that what that Man expressed was real in his life, that is, he was saying it with sincerity of heart, so he replied: "Then Jesus said to him: Truly I say to you that today you will be with me in paradise" Luke 23:43.
That is what we lack: BELIEVE WHEN EVERYTHING IS COMPLICATED, because the result of believing with sincerity of heart will make God take into account our FAITH.
Dear friend, maybe you are facing the worst possible scenario in your life, maybe you are one step away from total failure or death, maybe the doubt has wanted to kill the little faith you have left, but even in the midst of any circumstance and in front of any panorama, DO NOT STOP BELIEVING.
Trust in what God can do in spite of not seeing the result at this moment, place your trust in Him with sincerity of heart, because God will act in your favor, God will not leave you alone, in fact you are not alone, God has to to fulfill its purpose in your life and regardless of the result you obtain from all this, firmly believe that God has a perfect plan to be fulfilled.
You can be crucified for all the problems you have, but remember that next to you Jesus is with you, what will you say? Will you try to blackmail him so that he works, or despite not seeing what you want to see? Will you believe in him? ?, believe me that if in spite of all the contrary scenario that you have, you still believe, God has to reward your FAITH, because if something God rewards is the FAITH of those who believe him.
Hi @ricardo12!
Good message about faith in the midst of circumstances!
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