in #steemchurch6 years ago

We read in Hebrews 11: 6: "But without faith it is impossible to please God; for it is necessary that he who comes to God believes that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him. "

Before accepting what you say, people decide whether they accept you or not; If they see you acceptable and reliable, it is easier for them to accept what you say. I, before preaching, I bathe, I dress with the best I have and I put on perfume to please people. The same happens when it comes to presenting yourself before God; he who approaches Him must be presentable; you must be accepted in the eyes of God and Hebrews 11 tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God. Do not approach Him without faith! If you do it with faith, you will be able to get a smile from God and he will look at you with pleasure; In order to be presentable before his presence He has given us something very important and it is faith. I'll tell you again that if you do not have faith, do not approach God because He demands that he who approaches him must do so with faith.



Faith is a gift from God. And why does God demand faith if He who gives that gift is He? God generates faith within the believer. Then we should ask, how does the believer do to be able to have faith and to stand before God with that faith? If I do not have faith or I have little, who gives it then? God! And why does He demand that I have faith? The Lord will not demand that you have faith if he does not first give you the way for you to reach it. "But without faith it is impossible to please God; for it is necessary that he who comes to God believes that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him. " Another version points out: "... it is necessary that he who approaches God believes that he exists and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him." Then, the one who approaches God, must first believe that He exists and must also believe that he rewards; award means prize, although there is another version that says that God is remunerative, that is, he pays or grants something to the one who seeks him with faith.

We must understand why God wants us to approach Him with faith: Let's say that faith is the ticket that allows you to enter some place. They invited me and a select group to see an Avant Premiere of the movie of the resurrection of Christ in the Movie of a Shopping Center and they gave us a ticket that we had to present at the entrance of the hall. To see movies at the cinema, you need a ticket that allows you to enter, whether you buy it or give it to you, but without that ticket they will not allow you access. At the entrance there is a person who expects to receive the ticket for a specific movie and if you present a ticket for a circus for example, they will not allow you to enter. To see the film of the resurrection of Christ you must present the corresponding ticket and not another, so what does the person receiving the ticket do? He smiles at you, welcomes you, stands aside and gives you the step. Faith is the ticket of the Movie Center of the kingdom of God; if you approach with faith, but not faith in the rat but that which comes from God and the Bible says that Jesus the author and the finisher of the faith, you present yourself before God, He awaits you at the door of the cinema of the heaven and when you arrive with faith, that's your ticket:


The Bible says that those who believe all things are possible. When I fell in love with Marta and she did not want to know anything with me, I wanted God to tell me something but she did not speak to me. She took a girlfriend with another, they had set a wedding date, she bought the kitchen and the refrigerator, and God did not answer me. I loved her so much though at one point as he saw that there was nothing I wanted to hate her and asked God to me ripped the heart, then told the Lord to give me a word and when I opened the Bible I was leaving the passage from Matthew 21 : 21 and 22: "Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, not only do what was done to the fig tree, but if you say to this mountain, be thou removed and be cast into the sea, will be fact. And whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive. " Write it down because it can be very useful. I filled myself with faith and said: "Lord I believe, I believe, I believe. Give me Marta! "There I found out that he bought the refrigerator to marry the other; she lived next to home and her brother told me everything. I saw that scenario and said: "Give me this verse? My God, do not tell me that everything shall ask in prayer believing it would receive "Then I was filled with faith and prayed:"?! I do not care if the refrigerator bought my God give me Marta "I had comforted me when I found out at the time the kitchen was bought and again claiming to God that I was praying and He was not answering. But that's a lie! How are we going to say that God is a liar? He declares: "And whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." The theme is: Do you approach Him with the correct ticket or not?