I totally agree with you @pinheiroemmanuel. But if you don't wake up from the dreams and put effort in actualising your dreams, it becomes a fruitless conception.
You must have the ability to visualize your dreams in order to achieve them. Without a solid plan and visualization, your goals become a daydream. Daydreams may be entertaining but they rarely produce long lasting results.
When most people daydream they jump immediately to the goal in life; dreaming of the HGTV dream home and not thinking, "If I work hard I will be able to afford this home one day;" dreaming of being the next American Idol, but not taking the time to learn the words to the song or practice the music.
Some dream of owning a boat, but never learning how to stay on course in their career so they can afford one. You must reprogram your mind to achieve positive behavior. Visualize the goals you want...
If you want a new job, then see yourself in that job. Plan your next move step-by-step, and minute-by-minute. This will build confidence and self esteem when you apply for a new position.