in #steemchurch6 years ago

TEXT: 2 Timothy 3:1-5

AIM: That we may learn how to curb all forms of social vices of our time, especially among the youth.

INTRODUCTION: The youth of today are exposed to a number of vices that are capable of influencing them negatively. This is aided by advance in technology. In many cases, their attachment to these technological devices has become an obsession and a hindrance to their spiritual growth. Examples include information and communication technology tools such as mobile phones, computers, internet facilities, etc. These devices are of tremendous value to humanity. However, contemporary social vices derivable from their use include worldly entertainment, pornography, indecent dressing, immorality, drug addiction, gambling, cultism, ritual murder, examination malpractices, disobedience to parents, advance fee fraud (419), pride and many more.

The Nigerian nation is a society living in denial, running away from her shadow. Kidnappers, rapists, embezzlers of money are a mirror metaphor for us. We must see ourselves for who we are — a decadent nation needing salvation and deliverance.

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Causes of vices include:

  • Lack of fear of God (Proverbs 14:34). Righteousness exalts even the individual.

  • Ungodly parental examples (Jeremiah 9:14). Discuss some of these.

  • Broken homes. How does this affect the child?

  • Bad company. Bad Company corrupts good manners (1 Corinthians 15:33). Give examples.

  • Lack of foresight. This leads to taking bad decisions. Illustrate.

  • Laziness. This is not just a disease but also a sin. It is responsible for examination malpractices at all levels, an evil that some parents encourage, unfortunately!

  • The hostile economic climate in Nigeria. The story was told of a couple that decided to beg due to financial problems in the home. The wife fell into the hands of a wicked man who asked for sex. He had his way but failed to fulfill his promise. Give more illustrations.

  • The diversion of the Church from preaching holistic gospel messages. This is the bane of the society.

  • Copying negative ideas and practices from the internet and social media. The attraction is high and tricks cheap; but is it worth the effort?

  • The nonchalant attitude of many parents to what their children are being taught at school.

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  • Parents should give proper home training to their children and monitor their activities (Deuteronomy 6: 6 — 9; Proverbs 22:6). As part Of monitoring, parents should know which textbooks are recommended for their children. They should attend and actively participate in PTA meetings and activities. They should also know their children's friends. They must be role models both at home and outside the home.

  • Parents should prayerfully work for the salvation of their children (2 Timothy 4:2). Give practical examples on how to do this.

  • Pastors should return to the pulpit with holistic gospel messages.

  • Prosperity is good but must not be the focus all the time.

  • Prosperity should be a byproduct, not the essence of the gospel.

  • The Church should focus more on the salvation of her members. The early Church catered for both the soul and the spirit of men.

  • Christian youths should be determined to stand out against the worldly system (1 John 2:15 — 17). The Hebrew boys in Daniel 1:8; 3:16 — 18 did, and God saved them. Joseph also did, and he did not regret it (Genesis 39: 8, 9).

  • Avoid ungodly associations ( l Corinthians 15:33).

  • Be dedicated to the study of God's word (Psalm 119:105—112). This requires determination. If parents model this, children will follow suit.

  • Be devoted to the service of God (Romans 11:12). You cannot serve God and mammon. Choose to serve God.

  • Be obedient to parents (Ephesians 6: 1 —3; Colossians 3:20).

  • The society must present to the youth characters that can be emulated.

  • Civil servants must work for their pay.

  • Stop eulogizing mediocrity over and above excellence. Materialistic tendencies even in the Church must be minimized.

  • ALL (everyone — young, old, male, females, rich & poor) must be ruled by the FEAR of GOD.


MEMORY VERSE: Ecclesiastes 12:1



Good to hear from you Permanent, Thanks for sharing with Us!


Certainly there is a social decomposition due to the many factors mentioned in this publication. The crusade for freedom requires the act of doing something through the word of God that breaks the outlines of hell.

The state of many young people deceived by sin is regrettable. God has the solution.

This is beautiful, the end time has ushered in a lot of unthinkable acts and things the lack of believe in God has crippled the morality in this decaying society only God is the solution