in #steemchurch6 years ago

Hello steemchurch, let talk about electoral process today as christians that we may follow the New Testament biblical process in the conduct of our elections for church posts.

From time to time, the way we conduct our elections for church posts and the results we get generate controversy. Such controversies do not foster unity or bring glory to God. But thank God we have the example of how the first church conducted her elections for church posts. We can safely pattern our electoral process after theirs. When we do, we will get results that will foster church unity and glorify God.


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The first step in the process was that they clearly stated the job functions for which people were to be elected. Then it was easier to see whether the candidates being considered for the post were truly competent to perform the duties of the office. Biblical examples include those elected to:

  1. Be witnesses of Christ's resurrection (Acts 1:22). In fact all Christians are to witness daily to the fact that Christ rose from the dead. Whether or not we hold an elective post, this is our primary call as Christians. Any candidate who cannot witness to the resurrection of Christ does not qualify to hold an elective post in the church.

  2. Participate in the apostolic ministry (Acts 1:25). This was the stated job description for Just us and Matthias when one of them was about to be elected to replace Judas. According to Acts 6:2—4, the major part of the apostolic ministry is to be devoted to prayer and the teaching of God's word.

  3. Distribute food to the poor.

  4. Serve as a Bishop or an Overseer(l Timothy 3:1).


These can be gleaned from the different New Testament passages that address the subject of election for church posts.

  1. Not a new convert or new arrival from another church, but well-known to the congregation (Acts 1:21; 1 Timothy 3:6, 7).

  2. Full ofthe Holy Spirit and wisdom (Acts 6:3).

  3. Must have been tested and found to be above reproach (1 Timothy 3:2,10).

  4. Must be a person who keeps holdofthe deep truths ofthefaith with a clear conscience(l Timothy 1:5, 19; 3:9).


  1. They nominated more candidates than the number of vacant posts (Acts 1:23), so that people might have choices.

  2. Each nominee must be qualified for the post. The nomination should be by secret ballot. That will help to avoid a situation in which the candidature of a "powerful" or "popular" nominee intimidates the voters and other nominees.
    PRAYER (Acts 1:24, 25)

Since all the nominees are supposed to qualify for the posts, only God knows the unknown factors that should distinguish one candidate from the other. This is why the church must pray at this point.

Casting lots is a form of secret ballot in the sense that no one manipulates or influences the election process.
Voting should be by secret ballot in order to prevent undue influence on the voters. Voting by secret ballot, free from manipulation or influence of anybody, is an expression of faith in God to whom the church had prayed for guidance.

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(Acts 6:6)
This is an act of laying hands on the elected officers and praying for them before they resume their official duties.

Laying of hands is essentially a formal installation in office, and not necessarily impartation of power.


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Sniff and Scurry!

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Good to hear from you permanent, Thanks for sharing with Us!


Interesting @permanent. Election is getting close everywhere and sometimes we are lured by what we hear or tips we get to vote for the wrong people. We might definitely not know who exactly will do well after election that why we need God in our nation for a good leader.

The Believers should therefore know that they're the Called ones.. whether nominated to serve any office or not. The calling of Salvation From God is greater and Non-compared.. We should therefore cherish His Calling henceforth..

This is a huge fact :

all Christians are to witness daily to the fact that Christ rose from the dead

Thanks for sharing