frist of all, I thank, @god , for the opportunity he has given me to return to write in this space and for all those people who in some way or another receive these blessings in the name of Jesus thanks and @flaminghelpers @christian-trail for your job
Eliminate the problem by worshiping
(Mark 5: 6)

This man who had an unclean spirit saw Jesus from afar and his response was to worship him.
I want to draw your attention to the fact that this man had not been released when I worship Jesus. He droned Jesus and then was released by the Lord.

Some men have not been liberated from the oppression they have experienced from the enemy because they have not yet learned to eliminate the problem by worshiping.

Even the devil has to bow down and recognize that Jesus is Lord of all. The Bible tells us that every knee should bow before Him: "of those who are in the heavens, and on earth, and under the earth; and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord, for the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2: 12-11). " Every system, every government, and society must bow before the Lord of lords and King of kings.

Every curse, every curse, every demonic work must bow before the name of Jesus. That includes all satanic power and every generational curse. "No weapon forged against you will prosper, and you will condemn every tongue that rises up against you in judgment. This is the inheritance of the servants of the Lord "(Isaiah 54:17).

Your childhood wounds, your painful memories, your addictions, your past sins, must bow before the name of Jesus.
You must condemn everything that rises in you to destroy you and you ministry, your lust, your anger, your hatred, your bitterness, your rebellious spirit, your habit of giving up jobs, your spirit of going from church to church and tell all this: "Bow before the name of Jesus."
Incline yourself in adoration.

When this man began to worship Jesus, the devil inside him began to cry loudly, "What do you have with me, Jesus, son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God that you do not torment me "(Mark 5: 7).

The fact is that the demons had nothing to do with Jesus. They have nothing in common with him, no association, no alliance. And Jesus has nothing with them except to cast them out. The mere presence of Jesus torments the demons.

If you are in a service of true worship, the demons scream and flee from those who confess the name of Jesus. No one has to touch a person or make a long prayer for a person who has an unclean spirit. The same atmosphere of worship is a torment for the demonic powers.

Worship is the key to your liberation.
There's no such thing as a generational curse. The verse "no weapon formed against you shall stand" was for Israel. It should be obvious that guns can kill us and knives can stab us to death. Worship doesn't cure anything. Except satisfy a need and an obligation to worship God.