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RE: Mathematical Proof of God

in #steemchurch7 years ago

That is the crux of it.

I have had an interesting topic with a friend of mine recently about focusing on things.In general, we have two ways of looking at things. Subjectively and objectively. I like to use the words "close" and "distanced" in here as well. Most people seem to be very subjective when it comes to problems and topics, they look at things from their close and narrow point of view. And there are advantages to this. A lot of people need highly delicate thinking, observations and movements in order to figure things out.

Meanwhile I have been more of an objective kind of observer. Instead of taking sides, I analyse a problem at hand from a distance that allows me to see the entire topic as a whole in order to make sense of it, usually with success.

When it comes to "the universe" or "finding the root", I think that in general, doing so with a distanced stance is the better way to go, especially because the universes, hell, even our own universes reach far. At the same time, I think that one still has to be able to focus on aspects of life in order to make sense out of them.

So if what I say is right, in order to reach the level of understanding, a being has to reach a point of achieving unlimited distance and perfect focus towards a topic in order to grasp the entire meaning of it.