If the stars were made to worship...

in #steemchurch7 years ago

So will I

it's beautiful to know ... that we were created for this purpose, to worship


many times we limit the meaning of worship to a few minutes of singing or to a feeling of some duration ... but, really, what is adoration?

But the hour is coming, and it has come, that the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, because the Father wants them to be those who adore him. Jhon 4:23

It is interesting to see that it says "true" worshipers .. Ask yourself the question .. Are you a true worshiper? How can you know?..

Well... who are you when only God sees you?
If you really are a true worshiper then you will not be ashamed to say the answer ...

who you are will last a lot more than a few minutes and it will be forever... and God is today tomorrow and always therefore look for this type of worshipers ..

And not only that, but He also wants to be worshiped in spirit and truth ...

If you really walk in the spirit this means that you have shown the fruit of the spirit, that is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness ... And these values ​​not only show when others see you but until when only God sees you ... this is to be a TRUE WORSHIPER

thank you

Praise the name of Jehovah

pSalm 148-5