Growing Up | The Relevance Of God's Word


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The relevance of God's word in our life cannot be overemphasized. This is because to be established in all we have learnt so far , we must understand that God's word is food to our spirit as food is to our body and without it the believer will be malnourished thus unfruitful.

God's Word Defined

God's Word is the revelation of the purpose and intents of his heart towards His creation which is fully embodied in Christ Jesus and recorded in the scriptures (Hebrew 1 vs 1-3, John 1vs 1-3)

Importance of God's Word

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  • God's undying and ever faithful love for us is revealed unto us.( Hebrew 1 vs 1-3)
    *God's word is the sword of the spirit by which which we destroy all the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6 vs 17, Psalm 119 vs 105)
  • It keeps the beleiver from sin (Psalm 119 vs 11)
  • It is the substance of faith which means that faith is a product of God's word (Roman 10 vs 17)
  • It sanctifies (1 Timothy 4 vs 4-5, John 15 vs 3, John 17 vs 17)
  • It provides spiritual nourishment for growth (1 Timothy 4 vs 6, 1Peter 2 vs 2, Colossians 3 vs 16)
  • The Knowledge of God's word multiplies grace and peace to us (2 Peter 1 vs 12a)
  • It renews the mind (Romans 12 vs 2)

The Importance Of God's Word In Renewing The Mind

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To grow into Christ in all things, the scriptures tells us to renew our minds so that we can transformed from the customs and traditions of this world to the image of Him who created us. To renew means to renovate. We must constantly renew our minds by removing or exchange the thoughts,understanding and reasoning that belonged to the old nature for the thoughts, understanding and reasoning that belongs to our new nature. The agent of renewal is God's word.

How Should We Renew Our Minds

  • Through Medidtation as seen Joshua 1 vs 8 and Psalm 1 vs 1 -3. Medidation us rehearsing or thinking about something until it becomes so real to you.Medidation also means to ponder on something actively until conciously or unconciously, it becomes part of you and causes you to act in a particular manner.

  • Confession of God's Word through Faith

  • Doing God's Word
    Withiu doing God's word, all of God's promises will not profit us (James 1 vs 22- 25). It is our obedience to the word that guarantees God's treasure for us. (John 5 vs 39)

Note that what you medidate on forms your thoughts and your thougts are the content of your mind. Who you are, where you are is a reflection of your thoughts (Proverb 23 vs 7)

Consequences Of Not Doing God's Word

  • You will live in self deception (James 1 vs 22)
  • lack of a formidable life which can lead the believer to compromise His faith (His Believe), Mathew 7 vs 21-27
  • You will not bear fruit (john 15 vs 7-8)

Living this life without the word of God is like sailing without a map...To know God we must know His words.....God bliss you @owoblow-steemit for blessing my life this morning

Thanks ODSam2 for reaffirming this

It is by his word that the world was created,so anything that lives, lives unto him and anything a man does is always by him. Thanks brother @owoblow-steemit for such an insight.

God's word is just too important for believers, it is like a manual to life. When you read and study carefully, you will understand how life can be lived in a better and meaningful way.

Thanks for the addition a@dyz

God is great his word should live in us as we do our daily activities everyday.
His word shoould not depart from us.
Thank you @owoblow-steemit

Thanks mate

Gods word, the bible should be our guide in life.
Thanks for sharing.

The word of God is the only food for the is foundation of our life as christians.

Thanks @cJofficial

Thanks for contributing to this great community. Sir @owoblow-steemit

Thanks @nvlsen

That's right if we do not feed on the word we can not have an eternal life with God. Blessings

The Word of God is a shield and sword also. Thanks for this insight