As we Christian of nowadays we must have the spirit of God in today Christian life having the spirit of God in us will help to face any challenge of life even God self said it that
we would face tribulation but that we should not worry that he has already conquer the world for us
Christian need the spirit of God in us in order to be a active Christian and to work with God in spirit
There are some fruit of the spirit which we must possesses in order to have the spirit if God in us Example are these;
The fruit of the spirit are love. Faith meekness God fearing holiness and host of other .
If we keep to this fruit of the spirit which are mention above we will have the spirit of God in our life but are some fruit of the flesh which are not good for we Christian to possesses some of the fruit of the flesh are
adultery impurity ungodly heart wickedness and so many more
So I will encourage we Christian to have the spirit of God in us in order to face the difficulty of life and transpass over the challenges of the earth and to be able toface the adversity of life because we as a Christian will face tribulation but if we have the spirit of God in us we will fight over it
Nice post
Nicely taught
This is the key... @otunolakayode
God Bless
The KEY to Life!