When He was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Him. Matt 8:1
The company a man keep’s in life will either influence his failure in life or success in life. Therefore, it is of great importance to seek and follow the right company to fulfill your life’s mission. The influence of your companies will guide your predominant thoughts, which in-turns position’s your actions in the right paths of success or failures.
Our text in the Bible explains that great multitudes followed JESUS, our Lord and savior. The question, we must ask ourselves today is “Who am I following?” What crowd am I in?
Because no man’s life is an isolated block of influence, even in prison bars, influence is targeted towards the prisoners directly or indirectly.
Sociologist says 85% of what we think upon, act on, and become in life is a product of varied degree of influence by the environment we live in. it was discovered that children who grew up in broken homes, exposed to violence, child abuse, drug addicted parents, and homes where parents were not responsible ended up to grow as threat to the society .Most ended as terrorists, drug addicts, gun-dealers, criminals and many behind the bars.
Influence steers us towards success or failures in every aspects of life, that’s why a coach is often hired for every professional football team because no matter how good players are, coach’s influence on the team, nurtures them to become the best of their potentials.
The ‘multitude’ in our passage must be understood to signify influence:
Therefore, ask yourself if you are under the influence of Jesus and His words in your thought pattern, or if your habits are positively influenced by the life of Jesus and His words. You have a responsibility to create an environment that makes you receptive to the word of God in the Bible.
Do you listen to Music, watch movies that transmit wrong thoughts to your mind?
Do you sit in the company of those who discourage you from fulfilling your life’s dreams?
Determine today never to be comfortable with the environments that steers you off the paths of Jesus, off the paths of courage to surmount daunting challenges. Do whatever it takes to be in the right company(multitude), faith boosters, company of achievers; seek to be in the company of Caleb and Joshua and not among the doubters,
I see You succeeding Today!
I would love to appreciate our Father @sirknight for allowing God to use him to be of blessing to us all, to my lovely @sc-n i say: Keep doing the good work. May God bless each and everyone of us.
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Great write up. Keep it up @orisfina
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