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RE: Another classic conservative SirKnight rant titled: And they call it 'progress.'

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Wow... @Sirknight you just hit some vital point that we really havent been taking note of.
So many things have actually turned around

In the 1950s a family could afford a house and a car with one income.

Gone are the day when things were absolutely alright for people

it now takes 2 incomes and a lifetime of debt to afford these two staples of happiness

This is so heart-breaking. To me its never progress. Things have gone so bad with doing things freely with money

Abortion too has become the order of the day. Things has fallen apart from how it used to be.
Ladies and women now have to work including taking care of the family, the husband's income is no longer sufficient.

Divorce rates are now sky high

This is just absurd! Hmmmm

Do we wait for government to implement change on our behalf - or do we take up the crusade for change ourselves?

The government has already failed us and things have gone so bad that it might never be corrected waiting for the government.
Charity, they say, begins at home. Change starts from Us


Well summerised Oredebby. Thanks for dropping in. SK.

Thanks so much @Sirknight

Divorce rates are now sky high

This is just absurd! Hmmmm

If it is ok for the conservative president to have multiple marriages and brag about sleeping around, why not?