How many times have you heard the expression "God's time is perfect"?

God's time is not the same as ours:
How to wait in God:
Many times, when we have problems, we pray and ask God for a solution; We expect a quick response, almost immediately. And when it does not arrive and we feel that we have waited enough we started to despair, anxiety can take hold of us and many times we get angry and complain to God. We relate to Him because He is not responding, according to our time; We believe that God is busy solving other problems or that he simply forgot about us. Since our view of the problem is limited, we believe that God also has a limited vision and we forget that He sees the whole picture, that He also knows the future and knows our hearts.
We must understand that God is in control of everything, that he loves us and that everything that happens (and stops happening) helps us to be good, but above all, we must understand that things will happen at the moment that God wants and considers opportune.
And why wait?
God makes us wait because He has a plan designed for each one of us. He knows the situations and the moments we must pass in order to get where He wants us to be. Everything will pass in due time and if we know how to wait patiently, we will have complied with that plan. Every process in which God passes us through deserts is always with some purpose and only He gives us his answer but in his time.
When I decided to write something to republish in Steemit, I chose this Theme, why? I have served the Father for 9 years. And for 7 years I have been living a process in which God gave me a Word and I have waited for it during all this time. Many people who do not know the Word of God, tell me until when? If you have bad luck or I have not known how to do things to get out of this process. But I only say that time has been necessary and that my blessing is greater than what I have been through, because I learned that GOD'S TIME IS PERFECT.
And take this Biblical Story:
God had promised Abraham that he would have a son, but Abraham and his wife Sarah were old and had not yet conceived. Sarah then told Abraham to take his servant Hagar to give her a son, and he did (Genesis 16). Abraham had a son, but in anticipation of God's time, his actions had consequences (Genesis 25:18). God fulfilled his promise and gave Abraham and Sarah a son in his old age. Abraham was one hundred years old when Isaac was born. The rest of the story we already know, that's where the people of Israel come from, the people chosen by God.
In Abraham's Life Story, we see that no matter how long we should wait, God does not forget his promises and the answer comes at the right time. So if you are waiting for an answer from God, do not despair, the answer will come. Keep praying, keep trusting, for God has a perfect plan for you, which will be fulfilled in his perfect time.