In chapter 11 of Mark's book he talks about Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Today, that day is remembered as "Palm Sunday," because on that occasion, people welcomed the Lord when he entered that city riding a donkey, cutting branches from the trees and spreading them on his way. and proclaiming: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! "And they declared him the Messiah, King of Israel. That happened on the Sunday before the resurrection day, and during that week before the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, several things happened.
I say that Jesus is admirable because during that whole week he did not worry so much about his personal situation, even though he knew that he was going to suffer until he was crucified, but he put his eyes and attention on those around him. He also knew that his disciples were going to abandon him leaving him alone, even Pedro was going to deny him. Jesus knew many things but concentrated on the purpose of his work, on God's vision for his life.
Jesus entered Jerusalem acclaimed by the people, and pointed to the Bible in verse 11 of Mark that culminating that day went to sleep in Bethany, a village that was very close to Jerusalem: "12The next day, when they left Bethany, he had hungry. 13And when he saw afar a fig tree with leaves, he went to see if he might find something in it; but when he came to her, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not time for figs. 14Entonces Jesus said to the fig tree: Never ever eat any fruit of you. And his disciples heard it "(Mark 11:12 to 14). Locating ourselves in time, that Sunday entered Jerusalem triumphantly, the next day dawns in Bethany, and suddenly feels hungry, sees a fig tree, comes to see if it had figs, but finding no fruit, Jesus gave a sentence saying to the fig tree: "Never shall anyone eat fruit of you", and his disciples heard it.
The Lord cursed the fig tree! After that event, he went to Jerusalem where the purification of the temple took place and when night came, he left the city: "19 But when night came, Jesus left the city" (Mark 11:19). At dusk he returns to Jerusalem, that is, Monday night; They get up the next day and continue saying the biblical passage: "20And as they passed through the morning, they saw that the fig tree had withered from the roots. 21So Peter, remembering, said to him, Master, look, the fig tree that you cursed has dried up. 22 Jesus answered and said to them, "Have faith in God" (Mark 11:20 to 22). This is a teaching that has affected my life, because it would be impossible to do the work of God if I did not have the faith that Jesus commands us to have.
Positioning ourselves in time, it was Tuesday and Jesus would be crucified in two or three more days, but He was focused on teaching us, just as today, about faith.
That same day, the Pharisees questioned the authority of the Lord, but against that authority there are no valid arguments because when Jesus speaks, things happen. Many have interpreted that when Jesus speaks to the fig tree, he is doing it to the people of Israel since in three years of his ministry he did not find fruit in them, then he sentenced the fall of Israel, which certainly happened because he had prophesied days before. of his crucifixion.
Here are two teachings: The first has to do with faith applied to what we say. The word of God teaches us that when a believer has faith in the Lord, he can open his mouth and speak. Jesus told the fig tree: "Never eat any fruit of you". There was power in his words! Then he tells his disciples: "You also have power." And Matthew says: "Because I tell you that anyone ..." Who do you mean when you say anyone? To you!
It is no longer that Jesus declares something but also says that with the same authority with which He dried the fig tree, in the same way, anyone who says to this mountain -at any circumstance- take off and lie in the sea, and will not doubt in his heart, but I will believe that what he says will be done, what he says will be done to him. Jesus is believing and declaring that the same power that He has in His mouth is possessed by anyone who has faith in God. Anyone who has faith in God and does not doubt, but believes that what he says will be done to him, then what he says will be done to him!
Notice that here is not the verb to pray but the verb to say; I say, you say, he says, we say. What you speak produces extraordinary effects because the power and authority that Jesus has to curse and dry a fig tree is the authority that the Christian, who believes in God, has to work also through the word.
It is more important what you say than what you do, because what you declare by faith produces greater effects than what you do.
Here is the teaching number two: "And when you are praying ..." So it also works with prayer. We read in Mark 11: 25 and 26: "25Y when you are praying, forgive, if you have something against some, so that also your Father who is in the heavens may forgive you your offenses. 26For if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your trespasses.
Here is a condition; This works when there is faith and when, whoever wants to use the faith is free of resentment and hatred. Where there is resentment there is no love. When there is resentment, prayer does not work, instead, where there is love, prayer is effective. Therefore we need faith and love. Because the one who loves, has no problems in forgiving.
The biggest obstacle that I have found in many of my friends, is that they want the blessing of God, but they do not want to forgive or forget, they do not want to let go. They have resentments! Although they do not call it that because it sounds bad, they say they have a pain. If you have pain against someone, because of what he said or did to you, that pain is generating resentment, that is, a bad feeling that repeats itself. A bad feeling that returns and makes you repeat the story that you have already lived. You may have lived something twenty years ago, but today it repeats itself within you because you have not been able to forget or forgive.
Many Christians have told me: "I can not forgive what they have done to me because it was very serious". You have to know that God will not forgive you if you can not forgive. If you open your heart to God, He will fill you with love, and it will not be difficult for him who has love to forgive. Do not say that it is impossible to forgive! Christ forgives you any sin!
It does not make sense to give you more explanations. If you have believed and want a change in your life, this message is enough. You can receive a great liberation from God! If you had resentments, today you will be free. If you have believed, you will ask God to do a new work in your life and you will say: Lord, I do not want to live another day as I am.
Do not deceive yourself, do not say that you know Jesus if there is resentment in your heart. Whoever can not forgive his neighbor, the Bible points out, that such a person does not know God, sees nothing, is in darkness and stumbles. Do not be fooled that because you have attended church for twenty or thirty years you can not have a grudge! You can not call the grudge, pain.
There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.
Thanks for sharing mate
So is my brother everything is united, no one can say that he loves but forgives, and the greatest example we have is our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you!
Hello!!! It's OK?
It is always very good to share the word of God and his teachings.
Congratulations on the work you are doing.
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God bless you and Success.
God bless you!thanks @absolutetruth I'll be visiting your blog, and that's the way it is, there's nothing better than using these means to share the word of God.
Great teaching mate
thank my brother @tikhub the word of God has to be continuously in our mouth, God bless you!
There’s a saying that says; show me a strong man, and I’ll show you a man that can forgive.
Only a man with brave heart that can forgive and say sorry.
you are in everything correct, very good comparative