What was God's purpose for the family, but what happened?
The family is a group of related people who live together. Set of ascendants, descendants, collaterals and related of a lineage.
The idea of creating a man and a woman was from God.
"And God created man in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. " Genesis 1:27
Marriage was designed by God to remedy the first problem of the human race: loneliness.
"And the Lord God said: It is not good for a man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him. " Genesis 2: 18
It is necessary that God be present in every home and family.
"If the Lord does not build the house, the work of the builders is a waste of time. If the Lord does not protect the city, protecting it with guards is useless. It is useless to try so hard, from early morning to late at night, and worry about getting food; because God gives rest to his loved ones ". Psalm 127: 1-2 NTV
Marriage and family were planned to bring happiness and not misery.

Marriage is not man's idea, it was divine idea. God created man with the ability to feel attraction towards the opposite sex: man towards woman, woman toward man. God gave Adam a suitable helper, a companion; a woman who was the support, the support; that both were a team. In his infinite wisdom, God chose two completely different people from each other, and after these two people make a permanent and faithful love pact, a miracle occurs: these two beings are mysteriously merged into one.
The blessing comes in fullness not when people are single, but when they get married. God blessed the couple and both received the same degree of responsibility. If the couple can stay in full harmony, these three blessings will remain upon them: Fructified, multiplied, señoread.

When we were born spiritually into the family of God, we received some amazing gifts: the name of the family, the similarity to the family, the family privileges, the access to the intimacy of the family and the family inheritance!
As children of God we have part in the family fortune. Here on earth God gives us the riches of his grace, goodness, patience, glory, wisdom, power and mercy. (EPHESIANS 1: 7; 3:16; 2: 4; ROMANS 2: 4; 9:23; 11:33) We also inherit eternal life. What an inheritance!
You are much richer than you think.

"God has an incalculable inheritance reserved for his children. It is preserved for you, pure and indestructible, uncontaminated and unbroken." 1 Peter1: 4
A good Christian family is one that is aligned with biblical principles and in which each member understands and fulfills the function that God has given him.
Lord christ will always be available to strengthen our families for better living.
The family is where we learn to glorify God and live for him. Today'S post teaches us that God is seeking Godly offspring. God’s has brought you together in flesh and spirit that you might have children who love God and serve him and whose seek to glorify him. Glorifying God is the purpose for our individual lives, as well as our family life. This is not something that just happens. It does not even happen just because you come to church and send your kids to Sunday School and youth group. It happens because in your home you show your love for God and you exemplify what it means to live and serve Jesus.
I strongly believe that one of the reasons of having kids is to raise godly children for the kingdom of God and that can be achieved by have a godly family principles.
Thank you for sharing. Great post
The Bible train up a child in the way...he should go and when his old...he will never depart from it.....Your children copycate...so parent should make their light shine in their family.