Moses would say:
"Sir, if your presence does not go with us, we will not go anywhere"
Exodus 33.15
Abraham would say:
"The Lord will provide"
Gnesis 22.8
Jacob would say:
"I will not let you go until you bless me"
Genesis 32.26
Josue would say:
"I and my house will serve the Lord"
Joshua 24.15
Samuel would say:
"Sir, your servant is listening"
1st samuel 3: 9
The indebted widow would say:
"God can bless me with what little I have"
2nd Kings 4: 2-7
Nehemias would say:
"The joy of the Lord is my strength"
Nehemias 8:10
David would say:
"The Lord is my shepherd and I do not lack anything" and "this is the day that the Lord did, I will megozare and I will rejoice in Him"
Psalms 23 and 118.24
Salomon would say:
"Trust in the Lord, my soul, and not in your own intelligence, recognize him in all your ways and he will direct your steps"
Proverbs 3-5
Isaias would say:
Get up, get up and shine because your light has come and the glory of the Lord dawned on you "and" no armament against my prosperara "
Isaiah 54.17 and 60.1
Jeremias would say:
"The Lord has plans to prosper me: they are plans for my good and not for my bad"
Jeremias 29.1
Ezekiel would say:
"Every dry bone in my life will live again"
Ezekiel 37
Jonas would say:
"In my anguish I cry to you and you answer me"
Jonas 2.1-2
Pedro would say:
"I will put my burden on the Lord because He will take care of me"
1st Peter 5.7
Pablo would say:
"The Lord will supply all my needs, and I can do everything in Christ that strengthens me"
Filip. 4.13
and when he wakes up a new day, WHAT WILL YOU SAY TO THE LORD?