in #steemchurch7 years ago


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We are in the age of the world where evil and immoral act are at their peak and sexual promiscuity is rampant , most women dress seductively and act as sex object , the conventional and sacred way of life of our forefathers are thrown away partially due to the influence of the western world and acceptance by the society. In 2nd cor 6:14 the Bible says we should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers and in matt 16:26 we were also told there's no profit in gaining the world and losing one's soul. We are living in perilous times where there's formication and adultery. Fornication is a sin against our own flesh because our body is the temple of God, the devil has even taken it a step further by inspiring people on more ways to promote sexual promiscuity by the production of "SEX DOLL".The use of "SEX DOLL" is not an avenue to escape fornication and adultery, people should beware of these vices to avoid incurring the anger of God
#say no to SEX DOLL


God bless you for this post. These are truly times of the end. First gay rights,then Sex doll. What next?

Yeah thank you for acknowledging and commending the truth