In a warm and welcoming home was the Bermudez family, surrounded by love and hope, their command was FAITH. There is Mrs. Marie always teaching her daughters, the word of God. He did not have many luxuries, but they had love, he breathed through the air.

These parents always taught their daughters the power of family prayer. God, is and will be the source of an inexhaustible life, since they were little they sat under the Christmas tree to sing to God. Then, together, they shared dinner as a family to worship the Lord for allowing them to gather at the table.
To be able to remember that the Christmas season is a time to reflect on the Father who sent his son and pay for our sins.

For God you are the mark of his love, the passion of his surrender, the inheritance of his kingdom and the reason for his return.
At home we were taught to share the bread, the table and sow love for the path we were going to travel. Our neighbors always come to share, they are part of our family, they are the brothers that God gave us to help us. The material when you have God as your life engine is in a secondary plane. As long as there is life and faith, there is hope.
My country that I love so much, Venezuela, is going through a difficult situation, but I have never lost the hope that this blessed people will succeed, with the help of the KING OF KINGS.

God is our guide
For anyone, the sacrifice we have to make parents is not secret, the inflation we have been facing during this Christmas is very difficult, but who has God as a guide goes hand in hand with him. Maybe there are not so many desserts on my table, or so much food, but there will be a delicious dinner to share.
The good night will remain good, because although we do not have premieres, we have God, and if you lack, you lack everything. God will supply my needs and give me what I need and not what I want.

If you do not know what to give to your loved ones at Christmas, give them your love.

Better than all the gifts under the Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family. Where we can enjoy the presence of each member of the family. That's what it is about. Bless each member of your family, the friend, the neighbor, the worker, everyone. Share your bread every day and you will see how it multiplies.
What is christmas? It is the tenderness of the past, the value of the present and the hope of the future. It is the most sincere desire that each cup be overflowing with rich and eternal blessings, and that each path leads to peace.

A happy Christmas for you and your loved ones, your days are full of love, abundant blessings. We must carry the message, remind everyone that God wants his commandments to be fulfilled. We must love others and love our neighbor as we want to be respected and loved.

There is no better home than the one who has Jesus as his rock and in Him we will rejoice and be glad, waiting patiently for his promises.Dear hope beloved @maryelis, with God we have everything, although there are no material things will come new times and the joy of the Lord is our strength
My dear @darlenys01 who has God has everything. I bless your life and that of your family. May God continue to use you for great things. Do not worry about the obstacles, the gentleman is your guide, go hand in hand with you.
Merry Christmas Sister, beautiful message, in God we have peace and love always.
Merry Christmas for you sister. God bless you. A hug =) @carolina17