The invitation is to learn to free oneself from resentment and hatred; the most useless and heavy luggage of this life.
Sorry, magic and healing word. To forgive is not to accept the events that occurred, it is not to forget, nor is it to deny what happened to us. Forgiveness does not justify but it does not judge either. Forgiveness frees you from the past and puts you in the present tense.
Open your heart to forgiveness, free yourself from all that burden that is weighing you and not letting you move forward. Forgive from the understanding of love, not to change those who damaged you or justify the events that occurred. Forgive to be happy and recover peace. Understand that behind everything done by more painful and unfortunate that happens there is always a deep meaning.
One of the most beautiful titles of the God of the Bible is that of "God of forgiveness". He is not a vengeful and cruel God, but a loving and compassionate God, full of love and faithful, who maintains his love eternally and forgives iniquity and sin.
This divine will to forgive whenever man sincerely asks for it, becomes marvelously present in Jesus Christ as he makes known to us the infinite forgiving capacity of the Father, in that he himself pardons without cuts or limitations, as he sends his disciples forgive with total generosity, and as soon as you grant the church the power to forgive.
Relatively often we meet people who have experienced very difficult and complex situations, which have affected people who are from the same family or who have been great friends, and that bond that united them, has been broken many times by misunderstandings or simple facts that analyzed with tranquility, do not lead anywhere, or at least lack sufficient importance, if we compare them with everything that is lost with it. On more than one occasion I have stopped to reflect and ask myself, why it is so hard for us to forgive, why there are people who are incapable of forgiveness, and what is the sense of "keeping" inside us that resentment, pain or memory of things, in Many cases happened a long time ago and that can cause so much damage. We have all been able to realize the situation of these people, who cling to the offenses they have suffered, and who do not let them have peace and quiet.
We can not forget that God forgives us every day and that man, in some way, is also obliged to forgive. Forgiving allows us to see the glory of God, because it is love that must govern our heart; while the lack of forgiveness or resentment leads us to aggression and bitterness. Forgiveness does not interrogate, it does not have questions about the past, because that past no longer exists. It does not matter what happened because it happened. But it is important what we do in the present because that will determine the future. Open your heart to forgiveness, free yourself from all that burden that is weighing you and does not let you move forward. We must forgive from the understanding of love, not to change those who hurt me or justify the events that occurred. It is to forgive to be happy and to recover peace. Understand that behind all done by more painful and unfortunate that happens there is always a deep meaning, which should be read from grace and mercy.
To forgive is not to forget, it is to remember without pain, without bitterness, without the open wound, to forgive is to remember without carrying that, without breathing through the wound, then you will realize that you have forgiven.
In a part of the Our Father God tells us: 'forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who offend us'. Forgive, it is a decision that leaves your heart free, and leaves all wounds clean, the bitterness in you will no longer reign. If you want to experience the Lord's forgiveness, you must first forgive.
To forgive and ask for forgiveness, is to let the Spirit act in the place where our pride and resentment exist
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