Many people pray only when they are in difficult situations and others pray that prayer should be something formal. Well, they are really wrong, praying is something very simple, it is talking to God and listening to him, as simple as talking to our father.
When we talk to God through prayer, we are expressing our faith, during that interaction, the non-transferring transfer of breath of life to our spirit.
The act of praying allows us a direct connection with God.
Prayer allows us to have the opportunity to thank God, to ask him without pettiness from the deepest part of our being, for the good and the not so good things we have received, to ask him for help regarding some needs that we have, to beg him to please other people, friends and enemies, ask for peace in the world, for our nation, ask for forgiveness for the mistakes made and request the strength and humility for us to ask for forgiveness those we have hurt.
The Bible says that the only mediator between God and man is Jesus Christ. That is why we pray in his name so that our prayers are directed according to the will of God.
When we pray it is the best time to adore our father and listen to him at the same time since he is like a ray of light that invades our being from the feet to the head, filling us with a sublime peace.

From the cover to the cover of the Bible there are stories of people whose prayers were answered; people who changed the direction of history through prayer; people who prayed fervently, and God answered. Abraham prayed, and while he prayed, God did not destroy the city of Sodom, where Lot, Abraham's nephew, lived.
Hezekiah prayed when his city was threatened by the invading army of the Assyrians commanded by Sennacherib. All of Sennacherib's army was destroyed and the nation was spared for another generation ... because the king had prayed.
Elijah prayed, and God sent fire from heaven to consume the offering of the altar that he had built in the presence of the enemies of the Lord. Elisha prayed, and the son of the Shunammite rose from the dead. Jesus prayed at the entrance to the tomb of Lazarus, and he who had been dead for four days came out, alive. The crucified thief prayed, and Jesus assured him that he was going to be with Him in paradise. Paul prayed, and churches were born in Asia Minor and in Europe. Peter prayed, and Dorcas rose again to be able to serve Jesus Christ for several more years

God is the only one who will help us in the solution of our problems, will defend us from each of our enemies, if we put everything in their hands, for him nothing is impossible.
"Jesus said: I am the way and the truth and the life, nobody comes to the father but by me" (San Juan 14: 6)
If you have not done so, start today, you can do it anywhere in your home, where you can connect alone with God, through the power of prayer, kneel before him, express what he feels ask forgiveness for his sins, from the depths of your soul in a sincere way, surely he will be there, you will feel his presence and feel his greatest blessing, this will be the beginning of his transforming power in his life and in that of all his people.

always seems so impressive
So it is brothers, do not lose heart, keep our faith, let us continue in prayer, he is the King of Kings, the one who can do everything.