If you ask any person, of whatever religion, if you know what it is to pray, you will answer yes. If you go a little further and question him as to why and what to pray for, he is likely to start stuttering and if he reaches the last level and probes about how much time he spends praying, he will most likely tell you that very little or nothing.
Prayer is one of the most mentioned practices when someone talks about spirituality. Unfortunately, little is practiced, especially when it comes to the Christian people. What's more, you, do you spend time in prayer?
Prayer is not one more discipline of the Christian life. On the contrary, it is the gateway to the Presence of our beloved Maker. It is the path that allows us to meet with Him and to realize what our beloved Savior Jesus Christ taught: "I tell you the truth, all that you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and all that you allow on earth will be allowed in heaven. "(Matthew 1
This is a powerful word. What does it mean? That everything we ask in prayer impacts the heavens, touches the heart of God, and is reflected in our environment. We go to the spiritual dimension to impact the physical, material dimension.

Many Chistians do not pray, disturbing
It is curious, ironic and at the same time disturbing that many Christians willingly accept all the rudiments: go to Sunday or weekday service, read the Bible, develop some ministry, contribute to the Kingdom of God ... but we hardly talk about prayer. To many believers the subject is boring.
This would be understandable in believers who are just beginning their life of faith, but not in those who are developing some leadership activity.
For what is this? We have not properly assessed what it means to pray and the connection that it generates with the spiritual dimension, in the very sphere where God moves with power. In other cases, we do not understand how prayer works and we are likely to ask ourselves if God is listening to us. What certainty do we have that we will be heard?
We do not identify the voice of God because we do not pray, and we do not pray because we have dismissed that wonderful experience. Should it always be like this? Of course not. Today is the day to print a new dynamic to our spiritual life.
Remember when God created mankind and delegated the task of exercising dominion over creation? Read it in Genesis 1:26, 27. If you took a few minutes to do it, I will explain: We dominate over the physical world, according to the will of God, when we pray. The reason? Through our prayer, the impossible becomes possible.
I invite you to consider five principles that will allow you to energize your spirituality through prayer:

1.- If we turn to God, He listens to us
Probably you are one of the infinity of people who consider that nobody hears their prayers, that God is terribly occupied to attend to his cry or that he simply does not know how to pray. Here it is good to remember that sin and our distancing from the Lord raise a huge barrier to our prayers. It is necessary to eliminate all gaps.
When the people of Israel complained about the dire situation they were going through, God made it clear that it was necessary to take concrete steps to convert their bad ways to enter the dimension in which the impossible becomes possible: "It may be that sometimes I close the skies so that it does not rain or send locusts to devour the crops or send plagues among you; but if my people, who bear my name, humble themselves and pray, seek my face and turn away from their perverse conduct, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and restore their land. My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to every prayer that rises in this place. "(2 Chronicles 7: 13-15 NLT)
Difficult circumstances will come, indeed, are inevitable. However, if in the middle of that desert we are crying out to the Lord and it seems that nothing happens, it is time to check whether there is hidden sin in our lives or if we are only looking for the miracle. When there is a sincere willingness to search, our Father says that it will change the circumstances, in response to our cry.
Repent, turn away from sin and turn our gaze to God, three key elements that we must not only learn but apply to our daily lives. Miracles will happen!
2.- Pray in all circumstances
God is God always. He is our Father. He cares about our needs. It is not casual, it is consistent over time. So, if God is attentive to us ... Why do we forget when things are going well?
The apostle Paul wrote something that should encourage us to seek our Father in all circumstances, good and bad, not in times of crisis only: "Put on your salvation as a helmet and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the Spirit at all times and on all occasions. "(Ephesians 6:17, 18 a.NTV)
Our life of prayer must necessarily have a new dynamic. And that new dynamic is part of the decision to seek the Lord in all circumstances.
3.- Persist in prayer
Only those who persevere reach the goal. Only those who set a goal, and persist in it, can see the end of its history. Have you thought about that? Probably not only he thought about it but he has experienced it.
Persistence is what makes the difference in the lives of many people. The apostle Paul, who knew the importance of this principle, wrote: "Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere." (Ephesians 6:18 b.)
In another of his letters, which he addressed to the believers of Thessalonica, he encourages them: "Never stop praying." (1 Thessalonians 5:17 NLT)
If we are asking for God's intervention, if we want the impossible to become possible, we must persevere, remain, not give up easily. Only in this way can we see how circumstances change and what we could never even imagine becomes reality.
4.- Certainty that God will do something great
When we pray, we do it for something big. We exalt God, who is the most wonderful Being we can ever conceive; We asked for health, when the doctors said: "We reach the limit of what science can do."; We pray for the restoration of marriage, when there is a crisis or perhaps to improve the relationship with the children. It is always for something big. And God answers big. He is a God of miracles.
How does the change of circumstances begin? From the prayer. The Lord Jesus taught: "And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Everything you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you allow * on earth will be allowed in heaven. "(Matthew 16:19 NLT)
When we bend our knee in prayer, the greatness of the Lord begins to manifest itself. He hears us and hears our cry. We do not fight in our forces, but we wage great wars in prayer, and God attends to what those who trust fully in Him ask for.
5.- The power of intercessory prayer
If we pray and miracles happen, how much more do a group of believers agree to intercede! Our beloved Savior Jesus Christ taught this principle to a multitude and to us today: "I also tell you the following: if two of you agree here on earth about anything they ask, my Father who is in heaven will do it. . For where two or three meet in my name, I am there among them. "(Matthew 18: 19, 20. NLT)
It's time to re-evaluate the prayer. Look carefully at what place it occupies in our life, if we really take time to raise our voice before the heavenly Father, and if we are participants in prayer groups where the fire of God moves, the unlimited power that works miracles.
It is time to pray

Keep in mind that it is through prayer that we make things happen. It is a decision we make today but that will impact our life forever. We can make the impossible possible! The decision is in our hands. Today, now, is the time to make the decision.
God always listens to our prayers, we put them all in his hands, he listens to everything until our last breath.
Petition is imperative in our life as christain,it shouldn't be taken lightly,in supplications we speak with God,we impact changes,make control accessible and change unimaginable situations,Luke 18:1 And he spake an anecdote unto them to this end, men should dependably to implore, and not to faint;James 5:13 Is any among you tormented? give him a chance to implore. Is any joyful? give him a chance to sing songs. 5:15 And the petition of confidence should spare the wiped out, and the Lord might raise him up; and on the off chance that he have conferred sins, they might be pardoned him. 5:16 Confess your shortcomings to each other, and implore one for another, that ye might be mended. The solid intense supplication of an upright man availeth much.
Prayer is the mutual contact between man and God. This matter of the contact between God and man is a very great subject
The purpose of man’s living is to be God’s vessel. In the universe God is man’s content, and man is God’s container.
Prayer is conversation with God; the intercourse of the soul with God, not in contemplation or meditation, but in direct address to Him.
Prayer is frequently commanded in Scripture (Exodus 22:23.
Prayer does so many work by going into the spiritual realm, making connectivity with heaven, making the presence of God established in us and making the impact known in the physical realm
God designed prayer not for Him to know our needs, but for us to know His will.
“There is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus” (1Timothy 2:5). Because Jesus is the mediator between us and God, we must give Him our total allegiance.
Before I yielded the control of my life to Jesus Christ, I would pray, but I was never sure if God was listening or would answer. After I asked Him to be the Lord of my life, I had confidence that God was hearing and answering my prayers.
God always answers our prayer that do lot go out of his will. He is blinded by his love for us and this makes him harken to to pleads and demands that would be beneficial to our lives.
You should always uphold to what you believe which is in the paths of the living God and the ways which will always save you from the iniquities of the evil one.
Elijah was a man who stood on the tight track of God.
He the lord made all things through his powers and he has brought us peace and joy through his wonderful works in earth.
It is our duty as his hand made to always do the work which we are made to do always.
He our leader and everything we need he has made everything according to his powers and his glory h has perfected our life with his perfect life as a leader.
You must he ready to loose some earthly things and be ready to carry the cross with him.
Those who have given their lives to him will always be there to stand for him always .
Many don't know what it means to be with Christ and stand in his ways and do his ways will , the love of God is only bound to those who put their whole heart in the lord and do what God expect them to do through him who made heaven and earth.
When we truelly love and trust God in our life our life and and our joy will be worth more than anything you may think of.
You don't have to think that as you call your self Christian then tour life walk have no definition .
Christ who is your saviour has always given your life meaning and definition
Working in the direction if God is the best thing we can do.
God is merciful and loving to all his people. Therefore, we should always pray to God, and ask the god, surely God will grant our request. But the important thing is we must always be close to god, and always do all the command of god, and keep all the prohibition of god, then God will always hear our prayer.... :)
Prayer is important in our life as christain,it shouldn't be taken lightly,in prayers we communicate with God,we effect changes,make power available and change impossible situations,Luke 18:1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;James 5:13 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms. 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Prayer is one of the most mentioned practices when someone talks about spirituality. Unfortunately, little is practiced, especially when it comes to the Christian people. What's more, you, do you spend time in prayer. Prayer is not one more discipline of the Christian life. On the contrary, it is the gateway to the Presence of our beloved Maker. It is the path that allows us to meet with Him and to realize what our beloved Savior Jesus Christ taught: "I tell you the truth, all that you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and all that you allow on earth will be allowed in heaven. everything we ask in prayer impacts the heavens, touches the heart of God, and is reflected in our environment. We go to the spiritual dimension to impact the physical, material dimension. Difficult circumstances will come, indeed, are inevitable. However, if in the middle of that desert we are crying out to the Lord and it seems that nothing happens, it is time to check whether there is hidden sin in our lives or if we are only looking for the miracle. When there is a sincere willingness to search, our Father says that it will change the circumstances, in response to our cry. Our life of prayer must necessarily have a new dynamic. And that new dynamic is part of the decision to seek the Lord in all circumstances. We should abide in prayer
Great message, when the supporters advised Jesus to show them to ask, it is on the grounds that they saw the aftereffect of Jesus and not a standard technique stacked with mechanical words, but rather, a profound fellowship with God.
Thanks. Am blessed
blessings of amen
Good message, when the disciples told Jesus to teach them to pray, it is because they saw the result of Jesus and not a routine method loaded with mechanical words, but, a deep communion with God.
God hears all our prayers and, in one sense, he answers all our prayers. But we do not always receive what we ask for. When we ask God for
something, the response will be ’Yes’ or 'No' or 'Wait‘.
When our prayers don't seem to be answered, it may be that we don’t see all the implications of what we are asking for. God will answer 'No’ if the things we ask for 'are either not good in themselves, or not good for us or for others, directly or indirectly, immediately or ultimately.’
If you match gossiping against praying you'll discover it is more natural to gossip than to pray.
Do you know why?
Prayer is more spiritual than physical. The altitude of our praying is the posture of our hearts.
The prayers of Asap'h, a psalmist, was conveyed in writing saying;
Psalm 80:18 KJV
It is God Who, by His Spirit, strengthens us. The Holy Spirit quickens us by giving us the capacity in prayer.
Bible said in Romans 8:26;
God loves us and understands our frame so He put in place this technology where He assists us as we pray.
Petition is the shared contact amongst man and God. This matter of the contact amongst God and man is an exceptionally awesome subject
The reason for man's living is to be God's vessel. In the universe God is man's substance, and man is God's holder.
Petition is discussion with God; the intercourse of the spirit with God, not in consideration or contemplation, but rather in guide deliver to Him.
Petition is regularly told in Scripture (Exodus 22:23.
Petition does as such numerous work by going into the otherworldly domain, making network with paradise, making the nearness of God built up in us and having the effect known in the physical domain