The Need of The Hour

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Where there is no vision the people perish" (Prov. 29:18).

Many people who throng our cities and streets everyday by day and on every side, who are perishing simply because we have no vision.

Christless masses for whom Jesus died may never hear God's message of salvation unless we get a vision.

What is vision?

Simply put, it is your ability to see beyond where you are now. It is a picture of a preferred future. An unseen destination better than what you are seeing currently.

Your visions are the possible meet-able targets we set for ourselves.

Our great centres of population for which we are responsible do not know the Gospel of God's grace because we, His followers, are without a vision for the kingdom. That is why it is difficult many believers have failed to make targets for themselves. They do not have a vision because there is virtually nothing they are seeing for the kingdom, they feel it is of little or no importance because it doesn't touch their economic, social and family positively.

When will we (believers) get the burden of God and become conscious of our responsibilities? When will we forget about the flesh and for once focus on the needs of the spirits.

It is sad that many of us on the @Steemchurch community come here with little or no interest for this dying world. All that thrills us are the earnings and rewards we get from @Sirknight.

Recently i got to understand, that one of the core values of the @Steemchurch community is #love and their burden is to leave the footprints of love in every heart but sadly, this is different from my observations of peoples engagement on the @Steemchurch community as all interest trails to what they will get and not what they are willing to give.

People hardly pay attention to the things that would get others bless, all they think about is themselves.

True indeed is the verdict, "Where there is no vision, the people perish"

Sung in our little nest (comfort zones), very relaxed in our surroundings, satisfied with our handful of overfed followers.

We hold high premium on our post, build high hopes on @Sirknight contests and new introductions in the @steemchurch community and we seems to have no care, no thought , for the perishing multitudes that throngs through the #Steem #Blockchain.

You see, God never told the sinners to come to us. He told us to go to them.

Why then do we blame them for not coming to us when the real blame should be that we are not going out.

Where there is no vision the people perish

The world goes out into the open to attract attention. Video game center, night clubs, Hotels, brothels, etc are built on the most prominent corners and brightly lighted, whereas the churches we belong to are hidden in the back street, have no good buildings and very dull lighting and then we wonder why the people do not attend.

"The Children of this world are wiser than the children of light."

Every nation needs a large; centrally located evangelistic work, brightly illuminated, easily accessible, capable of attracting the passerby and we can make @Steemchurch community this, a community very Steemian would want to be a part of. Only if we can have a vision (picture of a preferred) about the dying world.

I see the @Steemchurch community riding upon the high places of the earth, i see #Telos becoming one of the major coins in the world.

I see a world where everybody would long to be like @Steemchurch parishioners. I see a brighter future for the @Steemchurch community.

I see a church with a big #HEART on #Steem (@Steemchurch) specializing on healing the depressed and the confused.

I see @Steemchurch taking over the #Steem #Blockchain and colonizing it for Christ.

@Steemchurch it is your time, arise and shine for thy light as come and the glory of the Lord (#Telos) is risen upon you.



I bet, you haven't seen anything this better, try #Telos, try this and you will never regret joining the @Steemchurch Telos Expansion.





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Surely brother, it is ours to Arise and Shine the light of God within us and bring blessings to humanity. Steemchurch is certainly strategic to the restoration plan!

Thanks boss

Truly it's time we rise up as a believer and have a vision for our life. This is great 👍@kufray

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