Honoring God can express in many ways depending on your context and lifestyle. There are many ways to honor God, however, it is very useful to help to do it with humility, without exhibiting while serving others, being generous and living in harmony.

Begin to honor God by showing fear and reverence. This includes the fear of displeasing him: Fear the whole earth to the Lord. Honor Him all the peoples of the world, says an Israeli psalmist (Psalm 33: 8).
Keep in mind that "glory, praise, renown, distinction" are synonymous with "honor".
To honor God, sing about his ways: They will celebrate your ways with songs, because your glory, Lord, is great (Psalm 138: 5).
Adore to god
Love where he wants you to be. You can dedicate part or all of a room in your house as a place of prayer and adoration. For example, it is not strictly obligatory to worship accompanied by others. You can do it often at home, alone or accompanied. Your worship may include candles, incense and images or statues of spiritual importance according to your religion, if you have one.
God deserves the worship of the world
Depending on the faith you follow, you can replace those objects. Also, if you do not have a religion, you can choose objects of special significance for you at your altar.
Worship at home can be a good practice to maintain a healthy prayer life. You can use your worship space simply to perform your daily prayer or meditation.
Practice prayer and meditation habits. Prayer and meditation can help you regulate your negative emotions. Prayer can be an invisible social support to reinforce positive personal perception.
If you practice prayer, pray anywhere, at any time, or look for a quiet place and a time to talk to God about your problems and express your gratitude for the things in your life.
Consider the idea of keeping a prayer journal. When a person keeps a diary, this allows them to classify their emotional pain in life and guide it to the important things for them. Studies show that patients with diseases that put their lives at risk enjoy many physical and emotional benefits by regularly writing their stressful experiences in a diary.
Practice prayer, meditation and spiritual awareness regularly. To do so, you must be still and concentrate your mind to calm the wandering thoughts and channel a connection with a greater presence.
Serve others
Do good works small but useful for others voluntarily, not to attract attention. To honor God, you can do good deeds casually in your daily life. In addition, helping others can increase your gratitude, joy, enlightenment and overall quality of life. Varies the nice and good details you do for others so that they remain new to you. How can you put the needs of others on a par with yours and avoid worrying about the lesser desires or sorrows to live a humbler life, outside as well as inside, to honor others and God?
Give up a car so you can join the transit, and join gradually, not abruptly.
Prepare a meal for a hungry person, not just for a friend or family member.
Smile, not haughtily, but kindly as you hold the door for someone to pass.
Be a productive and considerate colleague, not a presumptuous one.
Give a person in need some garment or other need.
Be a volunteer in an organization or group that helps people. Take the time to make sure you find a good center for you to work as a volunteer. Find a volunteer that is according to your interests. You can try to do it in churches or charities.
Teach or volunteer at a school
Be a translator for immigrants, if you speak another language.
Work in a local hospital, nursing home or clinic
Make fundraising calls from home
Be humble
Accept your opportunities and limitations. Be proactive with who you can be and are. The less you have to prove yourself to others, the more you can honor God. When you have conflicts with others, assume your responsibilities. Knowing your shortcomings and accepting them will also allow you to learn from your mistakes and grow. This type of behavior helps develop strong affective ties at a social level.
Forgive and be courteous more than what people deserve, what you want her or God to give you. Accept and do not give too many turns to someone's mistake, rather focus on the specific details you can do to give God's grace and improve lives in concrete ways, just as you have the opportunity.
For example, if your friend is angry because you were late, do not get defensive. Tell him: "Excuse me. I want to be more conscious with my time. "
Seeing and recognizing your problems can make you perceive them with less fear and with more hope of overcoming them. This positive attitude can help you make positive changes in your habits.
Show that you are grateful. Gratitude gives the impression that you have benefited from other people, from what they have said or done. It is when you are more aware of your own dependence on others. Give thanks to others, recognize their importance and share all the hope, peace and other resources you have. So you can realize that the world does not revolve around you.
- Keep a gratitude journal. This practice improves psychological well-being. Write at least 3 things for which you are grateful. Do it daily.