And they (the redeemed) overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death (Revelation 12: 11)


I am not all that old in life, but one thing I know about people is that, they all want to be successful in life, victorious and champions in their life endeavours. .
But for us, the redeemed, how we become all these is quite different. For though we live in this world, we don't wage our war as the people of this world do. For our weapons are different(2 Cor 10: 3-5).
The angel revealed to Apostle John how Christians wage their war and prevail over the enemies before God.

First, we are told to stand on the grounds of the redemptive blood of the Lamb of God, which has gained for us eternal redemption (Heb 9: 12). By this redemption, the dominion of the enemies are broken (Col 1: 13 -14)

Second, we are to testify to the witness and speaking of the redemptive work of Christ. By our confession (which means, aying the same thing), we are either justified and acquitted or judged and condemned (Matth 12: 36 -37)

Third, we are required to stand firm and faithful and not to shrink back in the face of persecution, affliction and death which our enemies are good at using against us. And in following through these because we love the Lord of glory more than we love our own lives or selves, we become overcomers, victorious and conquerors in the sight of God and His angels.
The redeemed can be overcomers even in death. For we are told to be faithful unto death and we shall receive the Crown of Life (Rev 2: 10)
Know that in all these things - what seems to be defeat, death, disease, destruction, disaster, disappointment and discomfort and disgrace and discouragement - are meant for a complete victory for us through Him who loved us and redeemed us for God glory. We are overcomers, therefore we can overcome. Amen
May that power of victory and the spirit of overcomer through the Blood fill you fully, wholly and completely to bring about a turn around, success and victory in your life in Jesus name. Amen

Thank you Father for making us overcomers and victorious in Christ Jesus the Lord. Through the redemption in His blood and the power of confession of the redemptive work of Christ, we receive the fruits and results of total and complete victory as go through the day in Jesus name.Amen

@johnsonkoranteng @sirknight @steemitghana



It may seems had to become overcomer, but those who have the word across their hearts will always be victorious.


It may seems had to become overcomer, but those who have the word across their hearts will always be victorious.


Hello, i like your article. The following quote maybe matches with the topic "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
— Ephesians 6:12 . Regards.

Becoming an overcomer is not easy, it is something that we can only achieve through the Christ our Lord and the Holy Spirit as our closest friend

He that is born of God obmvercomes the world through Jesus Christ. We are indeed overcomes, thank God for the victory through our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ.
