God put faith in the heart of the human being and the human being decides where to deposit that faith. When we put our faith in Jesus we choose to believe that his coming to earth, his miracles and his sacrifice on the cross were a reality and opened the door for us to receive salvation and eternal life.
God has given us all a measure of faith.
For the grace that has been given to me, I say to all of you: Let no one have a higher self-concept than he should have, but rather think of himself with moderation, according to the measure of faith that God has given him.
(Romans 12: 3)
Having faith requires humility, seeing ourselves as we are, human and finite. God gives us a measure of faith by which we recognize our need for him. We can increase that faith to the extent that we allow it to work in our hearts and transform us more in its image.
Faith begins to act the moment we receive our salvation and it extends to all areas of our lives.
Our faith begins in the depths of our hearts, and we begin to speak, to share what God has done in us. Then, as we grow in our walk with Jesus, faith manifests itself through our actions, words and decisions.
Genuine faith is to believe in what Christ has done for us. It's in the Bible, Romans 5: 1, "Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."
Faith is trusting God all the time. It's in the Bible, Hebrews 10:38, "But the just shall live by faith, and if he recoils, it will not please my soul."