✝✝ Questions that Christians can not answer❔

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

please if you have a better answer to the questions let them know so that we all have knowledge of the subject

will it be true that Christians do not have all the answers to events in this world❓
in a way it is, we do not have all the answers.

Some time ago an article was published that boasts of having questions that no Christian can answer. Here are some questions (and their answers).

Let us begin.

.1. If God is almighty, why did he take six days to create everything? Why did not he do everything at once?

If God is almighty, he has the right to do things as he pleases. The fact that one had done it differently is not relevant. What happened happened, precisely because God is almighty.

.2. If God is so perfect, why did he create something so imperfect, allowing pain, suffering and atrocities on a daily basis?

The reality is that God created everything good, without pain and without suffering. God created "... and saw that it was good." Then, man, yielding to sin, let evil, pain, suffering and atrocities happen.

.3. Why does that lady need the walker to walk again, when God healed her last Sunday? Did he only deserve a temporary sanity?

I do not know the circumstances of the event to answer with certainty. However, it is possible that some "pastor" or "preacher" that was not from God deceived her saying that she was healthy. But, there is no way to know until the details of the circumstance are known.

.4. How did Noah put the millions and millions of animal species in the ark? It does not require a mathematical genius to realize the impossibility of the fact.

It is understood that the Flood was local to the area they were in, so it was only necessary to collect the local fauna and not the "millions and millions of species" of animals from other regions (such as kangaroos or penguins).

.5. If Noah managed to get all those animals into the ark for 40 days and 40 nights, how did the penguins return to the Arctic? How did the koalas get to Australia without eucalyptus to eat on the way?

[See the previous answer.]

.6. Why do innocent children have suffer terminal illnesses such as cancer? What is this part of God's plan, exactly?

All that is disease and natural catastrophic events are considered "amoral evils." You can read about why God allows evil amoral by pressing here. Also, this question is like Question # 2.

.7. How does the Bible explain that the Earth is between 6,000 and 8,000 years old, but the bones of dinosaurs are more than 65 million years old?

Invalid question. The Bible does NOT teach that the earth is between 6,000 and 8,000 years old. The fact that this is how some interpret is another matter.

.8. Why can not an almighty God forgive sins after death? Example: A Christian man, who apparently has his name in the Book of Life, makes a stupid decision and decides to drink more at a party. Back home, he collides with a bus and kills his passengers - a mother and two children - as well as himself. The man had a life faithful to God, but he made a stupid and grave error. If this man did not ask for forgiveness before his neurons cease to function, God will judge him and send him to hell forever.

The Bible shows us that the salvation of Christ is accepted, when we realize our need of Him, as Savior. This always happens before dying. Already after death, we will not need Faith to believe, so God would not please a post-mortem salvation. Therefore, there is an answer to the Grace of God to receive salvation, which was the initiative of God. That transaction is in this life.

Important to emphasize how hell works: The government of my country does not call me and says: "Look, you have not committed any crime for ten years. Not a single crime! You have accumulated credit with the government and now you can go and steal a bank without suffering jail consequences! "God does not send me to hell for what I do well, I go to hell for what I do wrong. Stupid decisions are still conscious decisions, for which they have consequences. One does not go to Heaven for doing more good things than bad. One goes to hell when one breaks the laws of God.

However, for the one who received Christ, we could ask the question like this: "If I sin and do not repent in time for my death, does God save me?"

That question deserves an article for itself, however and without entering into a theological discussion of how God's Grace works and whether salvation can be lost or not, we would say: God examines the heart of each one, our decisions, intentions and spiritual state with Him. So the decision to save or not, belongs to God. There are too many unknown factors for us to reach conclusions with some degree of security. We trust that by exercising our Faith in Christ, we will be saved. God is the one who saves, not our (good) actions.

.9. God wants everyone to worship him and follow him. If they do not, they go to hell forever. What does this attitude say about His character? By definition, he would be described as a tyrant.

You can understand why God would be conceived as a tyrant by someone who refuses to worship him. However, for the person who is amazed at the wonderful glory of God, worship is a natural response. If God is the supreme Being, then there is no one else who deserves worship - and it would be wrong of God not to demand it.

.10. If Jesus died on the cross and spent three days in hell to pay for the sins of the world, why do we have to go to hell ourselves and pay for them again? Then, God is being paid for our sins twice. Was not Jesus' sacrifice sufficient? If that is the case, what does it matter if he died for us if his sacrifice does not mean anything?

This is a classic misinterpretation of what Jesus did. In short, to those who do not believe in Jesus, does not apply His sacrifice, or what he did: "For God so loved the world, which has given his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him, do not lose yourself, but have eternal life. "(John 3:16, emphasis added).

.11. What is the purpose of hell? If it is to punish sinful behavior, should it not be used for correction purposes? As one would burn forever, one would never have the opportunity to show that he learned the lesson. Would it make sense to live a faithful Christian life of glorifying God and accidentally sin for speaking badly the moment you crash the car against a truck and you are sentenced to hell for eternity?

The consequences of sin have nothing to do with the one who sins, but against who sins. If I kill an ant, what are the consequences? Any. The ants do not have enough intrinsic value to penalize me. Well, what happens if I kill a dog? Probably the owner of the dog sue me or fine me. The dog is worth more than the ant. What if I kill another person? The consequences are more serious: jail for life and, depending on where you commit the crime, the death penalty. Now, what happens if I commit a crime against an eternal Being? The consequences must be eternal. To sin against God is to commit a crime against an eternal Being. Therefore, sin - as it does not happen "accidentally" - has eternal consequences, and does not carry a "purpose of correction." (To speak bad is a consequence of a heart in that state: Matthew 15:18)

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That's right, God bless you

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thank you hand forward

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