Have you noticed that during the transformation process the butterflies are alone? Sometimes we wonder why there are people around us who do not seem to realize what we are going through. It is as if God covers his eyes and ears so that they do not see Him because He wants us to depend on Him alone. He wants all our attention so that we can see what He is doing inside of us. It is transforming us so that we do not depend on man, nor on circumstances, but on Him. The Holy Spirit that lives within us is changing us.
Each time we become more aware of our need to develop an intimate relationship with God so that He is our love and passion. He is our refuge and help, who is always with us. In intimacy with God we realize that in Him we are complete and that He is the source of all we need. He wants to teach us to be totally dependent on Him. Do you remember that the disciples of Jesus did not ask Jesus anything else but taught them to pray? They saw that Jesus, when he was intimate with the Father, came out stronger.
We have to get to the point where God is enough satisfaction for us. The result will be that if we seek His Kingdom first, He will add all other things to our lives: "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (Matthew 6:33). But we do not look for him to give them to us, but because we truly love him. Our inner strength develops in our intimacy with Him.
In His presence we are transformed and learn to be one with Him and begin to align our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, character and motivations with His. In our intimacy with Him, we will experience true transformation and close relationship with God. for which he created us.
God desires "alone time" with us. He wants a personal relationship with us. He created us as individuals, "weaving us" in the womb (Psalm 139: 13). God knows the intimate details of our lives, such as the number of hairs on our heads (Luke 12: 7). Meet the birds individually, and "you are worth more than many birds" (Matthew 10:29, 31). He invites us to come to Him to know Him (Isaiah 1:18, Revelation 22:17, Song of Solomon 4: 8). When we desire to know God intimately, we will seek Him early (Psalm 63: 1) and spend time with Him. We will be like Mary, sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to His voice (Luke 10:39). We will hunger and thirst for justice and be satisfied (Matthew 5: 6).