When you know God and one day the devil decide to deceive and you started following the ways of the evil one the living God will always not be happy with you and he will never ask you why you back slided but what you need to do is to is to come back to Christ and focus your whole mind in his will and his direction.
He is ready to accept any time you have gone astray for he is a God that never forsake his children.
And this is the reason you need to fear God for he will always have mercy on those who fear him.
What God has made is perfect and its great for those who trust in him in truth and in spirit because they will always recieve mercy from the sight of God.
Those who trust in the lord and those who have given their life to christ will always find favour in the face of the lord and they shall lway receive divine direction from the Almighty God
For he who have christ in him is a complete man or woman and will always find favour in the face of the
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