we find out that God guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way. Infact, we discover that God confides in those who fear Him. This seems to make it clear that God will be willing to guide anyone who is humble and fears God. But the question remains: how does God guide? In this series, we pray that the Almighty Himself will teach us on how to know His mind, in Jesus, name. Amen.
Ps. 23:1-3; Ps. 32:8 Ps. 48:14; Is. 42:16; Is. 48:17-19; John 10:4; Is. 55:8-9; Luke 1:79; Ps. 18:30; Hab. 3:6; Ps. 73:24.
Will God let us know what He thinks about a particular situation? Will the Almighty reveal His mind to mere mortals? Yes, He will. If the Lord is your shepherd, He will guide you. He promised to teach you the right turns along life”s road if only you are willing to follow. He is prepared casino spiele to be your counsellor forever, if you so desire. You do not even need to be a prophet or an elder to be guided by God.
Is. 6:1-9; Jer. 1:4-7; Amos 3:8; Gen. 37:11; Exo. 3:1-6; II Sam. 7:4-17; I Kings 3:5-15; Dan. 2:19-23; Luke 1:11-17, Luke 1:26-28; Acts 10:19-20; Ads. 10:9-10; Rev. 1:10-20.
There are various ways through which God can make His mind known to His child. It could be either by the audible voice, dreams, symbolic acts, parables, proverbs or any other means of His Divine choice. Examples include the cases of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Joseph, Moses, Nathan, Solomon, Daniel, Zechariah, Mary, Peter, Paul and John; just to mention a few