Obedience is very important in our live if we really need to gain from God but first of al we need to appreciate him always .
The victorious are always free to do all the things through christ who made everything.
Be always faithful through christ for he will always provide for us when we appreciate his gift.
has always be merciful in In our lives and h has always Ben ready to accept us when we have sinned. God does not have mercy on those who are wicked hearted and those who don't care about others and do not have pity on those who have sinned against them. When you accept christ and you are doing his will you life comes with courage and agility.salvation came to us by grace through faith, which means that faith is the medium of receiving God's grace. The grace of God answers to faith, which is an expression of confidence in the Word of God in doing what the Word says to do. How did Abraham enter into the grace of God that he found? By faith! What is faith? Hearing and doing the Word, which means that he had to do something in obedience or response to the Word of God spoken to him. Grace is God's mercy, love and help given to us because of what Jesus Christ did for us at Calvary when He took our place, as our substitute. To live in and by God's grace, we must live from Christ's finished works. We must live with our reference point being Christ and all He has done for us. We live from who we are in Him, and who He is in us; we live from the mercy that He has procured for us; we live from and by the power of His Spirit who lives in us. Grace can only be experienced with Jesus Christ alone being our reference point for life and living. thanks for sharing
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