The judgments of God are not a mystery; they are no puzzle. The notices have been made stupendously clear. In the considerable Day of Judgment lying before every one of us nobody will be puzzled. Nobody will state, 'Yet we didn't have the foggiest idea.' God has composed the things of his law on the hearts of each man. Yet, secrets do flourish. For what reason should this individual fall away? For what reason would it be a good idea for him to or she grasp mistake? For what reason should this congregation fall? For what reason should the Puritan development end up Unitarian? For what reason should enduring enter this life yet not that life? We don't have the foggiest idea. Those inquiries have mystery answers that have a place today with the Lord our God. It is totally incomprehensible for any heathen to report that this date is the day of the arrival of the Lord of radiance. We need to live with that constraint. We need to submit to it. The immense contention of the New Testament with respect to that reality is that 'in such a hour as you think not the Son of Man comes.' Our readiness and sharpness isn't a reaction to any distinct learning of the season of his arrival; it is in actuality a reaction to the aggregate vulnerability of his arrival. You don't know when he will come, and on account of that the congregation must keep itself in a condition of steady readiness. Our loins are girt about and our lights are lit. We are prepared for the showing up of the Bridegroom by being great and reliable hirelings with respect to our families and youngsters. Be shrewd and honest with what God has endowed to you. Our Lord wants productivity and increment; this conveys magnificence to God. Remain reliable to the Lord as your first love. Never be embarrassed about his gospel. Remain dedicated to him. thanks for this message