Human ingratitude is an evil that derives from Adam. The first sin of man-the source of all the evil in him-originated in his refusal to recognize the good with what God had blessed him. If he had not taken for granted all the infinite good with which God blessed him, he would never have eaten from the Tree of Knowledge that he had forbidden. Having a feeling of gratitude it would have been impossible to contradict God's will.
His response to God when he asked him if he ate from the tree emphasizes this ingratitude: "The woman you gave me fed me from the tree, and I ate." Adam was saying in effect: "I did not ask you; She was Your idea. If she persuaded me to sin, sin is your fault. "Although the Torah explicitly tells us that God created woman for the good of man (since" it is not good for man to be alone "), Adam failed to recognize this good. This ingratitude is the underlying cause of his sin.
What is true for Adam is true for all his descendants: ingratitude is the fundamental source of whatever evil they commit.
God bless you! thanks for sharing